they shouldn't sell magazines like this on a public newsstand. can you imagine the effect this has on adolescents? now that's something, eh? so the whole book winds up, mike hammer, he's inna room there with this doll. so he says, "you rat, you are the murderer." so she begins to con him, you know? she tells him how she loves him. and then bam! he shoots her in the stomach. so she's laying there, gasping for breath, and she says, "how could you do that?" and he says, "it was easy." what i like about mickey spillane is he knows how to handle women. in one book, he picks up a tomato who gets hit with a car, and she throws a pass at him. and then he meets two beautiful twins, and they throw passes at him. and then he meets some beautiful society leader, and she throws a pass at him, and. i wonder where they find those girls that pose for them pictures. i always figure a guy oughta marry a girl who's twenny years younger than he is so that when he's forty, his wife is a real nice-looking doll. i never thoughta that. another book that i read by mickey spillane, i can't remember the name of it, but it was about this red- headed tramp he finds inna street, and he gives her some dough, because he's sorry for her. wait a minute, i think that's the same book i was telling you about before. about eight o'clock. what's playing on fordham road? i think there's a good picture in the loew's paradise.