so what happened, aunt theresa, about the milk bottle was my mother-in- law, she comes inna kitchen, aunt theresa, and she begins poking her head over my shoulder here and poking her head over my shoulder there, so then she begins telling me how i waste money and how i can't cook, and how i'm raising my baby all wrong, so she got me so nervous, i spilled some milk i was making for the baby. so she say, "you're spilling the milk." so she kept talking about these coupla drops of milk i spilled, so she got me so mad, so i said, "mama, you wanna see me really spill some milk?" so i took the bottle, and i threw it against the door. i didn't throw it at her. that's just something she made up. she goes around telling everybody i threw the bottla milk at her. i didn't throw it anywheres near her. well, i was sorry right away, you know, but she ran outta the house. lemme tell it, tommy. we want you to do a very big favor for us, aunt theresa. aunt theresa, you got this big house here. i mean, you got this big house just for you and marty. and i thought maybe tommy's mother could come here and live with you and marty. because i called up tommy's brother joe, and i said, "joe, she's driving me crazy. why don't you take her for a couple of years?" and he said, "oh no!" i know i sound like a terrible woman. i just can't stand it any more! every minute of the day! do this! do that! i don't have ten minutes privacy with my husband! we can't even have a fight! we don't have no privacy! everybody's miserable in our house! that's very nice-a you, aunt theresa. this is very nice-a you, aunt theresa, what you're doing for us, and don't think we don't appreciate. i'm sorry we gotta rush like this. on accounta. tommy, i promised the babysitter six o'clock. tommy! goodby, marty! hello, aunt theresa. come in. we didn't tell her anything yet. we thought that we'd leave it to you. we thought you'd put it like how you were lonely, and why don't she come to live with you. because that way it looks like she's doing you a favor, insteada we're throwing her out, and it won't be so cruel on her. do you want tommy and me to stay here with you? listen, let's go downa kaplans' apartment. they told us to come down. don't you think i feel lousy about this too? tommy. why do you always put me inna position of being the louse? tommy, i love you, and i know you feel lousy right now, but we're never gonna be happy unless we have a chance to work out our own lives. we can't keep talking in whispers like this the resta our lives. we gotta have some privacy. we. tommy. oh shaddup, will you do me a favor? waddaya talking about?!! i told her she could use the kitchen any time she wanted. she don't wanna use my pots and pans! waddaya want me to do, go out and buy a whole new setta pots and pans?! sure, all you wanna eat is that greasy stuff your mother makes. your mother handles the kid like he was a yoyo!