that's cool, man. freeze it right there. layout's not bad. we got us a sweet little perkins. jenning time lock. but them motion detectors are putting the chill on my thrill. hey, you're talkin' with the doctah, man. it's all about time and money. not cool. what about the coin? what you talkin' about, man? yeah? then i'm chump number one, man. yeah? that's arnie the swede's place, man and he is one ice cold meatball eatin' motha fucker. she just might, man. the bitch is trouble. what's the e.t.a.? counting down. now. lookin' good here, my man. do it, man. the doctah is about to operate. gentlemen. let's do our duty and grab the booty. what the hell you doin', fool? get that sucker! oh, shit!