camera booms down. the casino is a true caesar's palace style show place featuring a dragon-prowed viking ship that's the the frightened crowd mills about in terror as dorian's thugs seal off the exits. they frisk down their captives for loot and jewelry. orlando runs up to dorian. mask with canvas sacks filled with money. dorian plugs the timer into the nexus of all the wiring. the swede scrambles under a crap table to escape the mayhem and bumps into mayor tilton. the thug seems to be enjoying the mayhem when he hears an off camera whistle. he pulls out his .45 and cautiously enters the kitchen to investigate. stanley appears out of the kitchen doors and gets the attention of the nearest captive party-goers. the swede struggles desperately as he's tied to a spoke of a huge wooden numbers wheel, a kind of upright roulette wheel that's one