forget it. here. you remember anything unusual about last night, anything at all, call me. look, mrs. peenman, you gotta admit your description is pretty tough to swallow. right. a green head the size of a pumpkin, purple zoot suit and spats. that's a pretty serious fashion risk for any self-respecting second story man. what? sorry. too early to comment. i said no comment. now break it up. this is a crime scene. drop it, tyrel! i got probable cause. a couple of your boys were spotted knocking over edge city bank. this isn't harassment. you want to see some harassment? search the place, boys. well what d'ya know? i guess they gave you one too. better call that high-priced lawyer of yours, tyrel. you're comin' downtown. then just think of this as the city's way of showing you a little hospitality. i'll stop by to tuck you in myself. you're on your own, boys. and if he's not, i got a feeling i know where to find him. this is kellaway. i need back up and i need it now! every available man down to peninsula park. freeze! put your hands up! alright, alright. unfreeze! you're under arrest! sorry, son. that's not my department. search him! what the --? you son of a bitch -- ! get him! you go out there and i'll blow your brains out! spots the mask and races after him, calling his men. this way! followed by a handfull of officers bears down on him. halt! halt or we'll shoot! ipkiss! easy, ipkiss. don't be an idiot. you're in the middle of a police station. there's no way you're just going to walk out of here. now what are you doing? you are certifiable. of course. we wouldn't want to keep alice and the white rabbit waiting. ixnay! ehay's otgay an ungay. ouch! ipkiss, i'll have you locked up for this so long sex will be safe again! i'm not helping you, ipkiss.