nice pj's pal. you're ipkiss? stanley ipkiss? some kind of prowler broke in and attacked mrs. peenman. then you must be a pretty sound sleeper, ipkiss 'cause she unloaded a couple rounds of 20 ott buckshot five feet from your door. excuse me? police. open up. ipkiss! i know you're in there. you can answer a few questions. trust me. your bank's opening late today. where were you last night? maybe, yes. maybe, no. maybe it's all just a crazy coincidence that this so called "mask" character always seems to be wherever you are. don't insult my intelligence, ipkiss. first, he's spotted in your building, then the bank where you work and now i find this at the monkey's paw. in your jammies? wait a second. you smell that? where's the lab report? get the bank's employee files and run down the prints on a guy named ipkiss. yeah, and all i need is a couple of prints to lock this wack job up 'till doomsday. yeah? and? don't do a thing until i tell you. just keep the swat team standing by. if this guy's half as bad as he's supposed to be we'll need all the help we can get. fires up his engine and pulls away. goddamn it! arrest that thing! i still can't believe it. hardened cops dancin' in the streets. and broadcast all over the ten o'clock news. i'm history. the captain's going to have my badge for breakfast. with a little pension on top. sure. stanley ipkiss is going to fall right into my lap. ipkiss! you have the right to remain silent, you freakin' looney tune. anymore of your half-baked wisecracks can and will be used against you by me, personally. ipkiss, i'd like to lock you up for the rest of my life. but the mayor and a hundred other witnesses say dorian tyrel's the bad guy and you're the good guy. so no jail. just a downtown parade at noon.