easy lady! i was just killin' time! why of course, cubbie. i got all the time in the world! london, paris, rome, standard, substandard and no standards at all! and for our english friends we have. big ben! and for my next trick. and viola! we have a giraffe! a few more twists of the wrist and for you, cubbie. a french poodle! and finally my favorite. a tommy gun! wait a minute. this is incredible! why, with these powers i could be a superhero! i could fight crime. work for world peace. but first!. ah. but you're here. but i'm here to help you. sounds like you have a little exhaust problem there! we better do a few touch ups before you have some serious trouble. oooooh bay-bee. i knoooooows what you likah! the g.q. look?. naw. 501's? for buttonheads only. marky mark, eat your heart out. s-s-s-mokin! now let's see. what? seems to be a minor cash flow problem here! i don't like to keep a lady waiting, but. first things first! sorry, fellas. waste not want not! ak. you got me pahdnuh. hold me close, red. it's a gettin' dark.