excuse me, lt., i'm with the evening star. can you tell me what happened here? it looks like some kind of mob scare tactic. excuse me, can you tell me where i can find stanley ipkiss? stanley ipkiss? hi. i'm peggy brandt. i'm with the evening star. oh no, actually i just wanted to ask you a few questions. ripley auto finishing. you're a customer of theirs aren't you? isn't this a form of theirs you filled out? peggy brandt. that's right. you're mr. nice guy? stanley do you realize how much mail we got about that letter? there's hundreds of women out there who are looking for a man just like you. of course. do you know how hard it is to find a decent man in this town? most of them think monogamy is some kind of wood. they cut my salary. i just can't make it by on "dear peggy" anymore. the truth is, i want to be a real reporter and if i can break this story i know they'll let me. look stanley, i know ripley auto is a crooked operation. they may even have had ties to the mob. i'm not out to get you. i just want the truth. you what? you can't do that! just a couple more days, phil. the paper's ready to give me a full time job. c'mon, at least let me get a few of my things. thanks phil. you're a sweetheart. who. who are you? you give me something worth printing and i'll get you your money. what's this about? how do i find this tyrel? what is it, murray? let me cover it, murray! you go on home to claire. i'll take care of ramsey. thanks a million. i owe you one. stanley! get in! someplace where we'll be safe. i saw it. i saw the whole thing. what's happening to you, stanley? stanley, i don't know what's happening to you, but i do know this. that letter you sent my column was from a guy with more guts and heart than any of the creeps i've met in edge city. whatever this mask is, you don't need it. you. stanley ipkiss, are already all you ever need to be. you have the fifty thou? right. when he puts on the mask he becomes that green thingamajig. sorry, stanley. you really are a great guy, but i just can't lose my condo. you know how hard it is to find an apartment in this city. hey, you said you wouldn't hurt him! ah. excuse me. if you don't mind, i'll just take my money and be going. you guys make yourselves at home. thanks, anyway. that wasn't part of the deal. back off freakazoid. i wasn't born yesterday.