hey charlie, can you go over these stats? we're supposed to have a complete report before lunch. i sure did. friday night, just like you wanted. what time should i pick you up? well. uh, actually it's sold out. i was kinda lucky to get these. you know what? here. you two go. no really. go ahead. it's okay. i hate concerts anyway. all that, you know. music floating around. so maybe you and i can get together over the weekend? oh, sure. me too. what? so maybe i am a nice guy. so what? hey, i'm a gentleman. if they can't appreciate that, it's their problem. charlie, you are a very sick puppy. and where's that? so how are we gonna get in? easy charlie. you'll sprain your eyes. so, uh, what kind of account did you have in mind? ipkiss. stanley ipkiss. the, uh. pleasure's all mine. oh. of course. a rorschach test. really? i don't think i can. i don't know. . bold colors. it's a power tie, y'know? they're supposed to make you feel. powerful. sort of. it's just a tie. now, about that account. hold it up right here, please. i gotta pick up my car. charlie, please. the last time you said that you showed up with two lesbian mud-wrestlers. hello? i'm here for the civic. well, they call it emeral forest, actually. but i just brought it in for an oil change! alright. alright. when will it be ready? what am i going to do in the meantime? i can't afford to keep taking cabs all over town. it's a classic. a what? we are not discussing the car, okay? hey, isn't that. doesn't it bother you that all the women you know are named after cartoon characters? forget it, charlie. i refuse to stand here waiting to be judged by these power-mad steroid jockeys. what? i dunno, fifty or sixty bucks. no way. hey, wait a minute! charlie! i'm with them! hey, bobby! hey! leggo. awk! hey. hey mister! i was just looking for. my mask. thanks officer. uh. no. they just gave me a lift. alright, you guys. it's been a tough night. i haven't got any money. i haven't got a car. all i have is this and you're welcome to it. uh. yeah. actually, no. i think i'll be going to bed now. hello, milo. easy, buddy. i missed you too. c'mon, milo. i'm beat. okay, okay. one throw. easy. this is the best part. sorry mrs. peenman. think i'm repressed, milo? no thank you, dr. neuman. whoa. naw. hellllllllppppmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee. a dream. it was only a dream. can i help you? that's right. really? i didn't hear a thing. that's. a, possible. see, i have this inner ear problem. sometimes i can't hear a thing. what? sure. thanks. milo, it was real! how could it all be. real? oh my god. i'm late! milo! keys! keys! good boy. i uh, didn't feel so good. i decided to go home early. how was the club? no. sorry, mr. dicky. it won't happen again. yes sir, mr. dickey. you think she ever will come back, charlie? you don't know that. she's an artist. maybe she's sensitive. oh, hi. i already have a subscription, thanks. really? about what? i. uh. no. i think you must have made a mistake. oh, that ripley auto. i guess i have stopped in there once or twice, miss. what did you say your name was? wait a minute. peggy brandt of "ask peggy"? you printed my letter last year, remember? "nice guys finish last." are you serious? why are you covering this story? i wish i knew the truth, peggy. i really do. i am now. c'mere, baby. tina? milo, down. stupid, stupid. she'd never. stands transfixed, staring at the moonlit face. he can almost hear echos of faint whispered voices calling his name. a deadly siren song above the pounding drums. takes a last look at the crumpled picture of tina in his hand and finally loses control. he bolts from the room. just. one. last. time. carefully reaches down, his fingers just brushing the mask as he teeters out over nothingness. night traffic whizzes by down below. screams as he begins to fall, jamming the mask to his face. oh my god! all right, i'm coming! lieutenant, what a surprise! what can i do for you? i've got to get ready for work. here. mostly. is something wrong? mask -- who? milo. no! okay, so i went out on the town last night. a guy's got to have a little fun. naw, i just took 'em with me in case i didn't make it home. i don't know about you, lieutenant. but i've got a pretty good track record with the ladies. what? what are we gonna do, milo? what are we gonna do? i'm not sure. i'm afraid to ask. excuse me a second. tina. what are you doing here? oh, don't worry about me. i'm just having a little trouble sleeping is all. what about the nightclub? i thought you were doing great. well, there must be plenty of other places you could sing. maybe even get a record deal. not just like you. you've got a voice like. like an angel. no, i mean it. you really do. what is it with you, tina? why don't you believe in yourself? so maybe you've been singing for the wrong guys. yeah. i'm not sure. why are you interested? sure. really? they say he's pretty weird looking. you really think so? actually. i sort of know the guy. the mask. we're - old college buddies him and i. oh yeah. to tell you the truth, i'm sorta covering for him on this bank thing. he's not such a bad guy, really. he just gets a little carried away. i suppose so. when? i mean, i'd need to tell him exactly. i'll be. i mean, i'll make sure he's there. look, you're the big expert on masks, right? well, i've got an emergency here! i found it. or it found me. i'm not sure. the problem is it's ruining my life! yes! it's turning me into some kind of lunatic! it's not a delusion! alright, i'll prove it to you if i have to, but i won't be responsible for the consequences. last chance to hide all dangerous objects. whooooooooaaaaa. it didn't work? it worked last night. and the night before. maybe it only works at night. what kind of mask did you say this was. but what should i do about my date? you know. tonight. the park. tina. do i go as myself of the mask? comes out of dr. neuman's office building. he gets in his car and drives off. oh, tina. hi. you're early. i just. wanted to make sure you two got together okay. it's always beautiful at sunset. those methane emissions really pick up the colors. well. i'm sure my cousin will be along any minute. he never shows up anywhere 'till after sundown. he's sort of strange that way. dorian. you mean dorian tyrel? tina, you've got to be careful of that guy. he's a dangerous criminal. absolutely. you ought to hear the stories. c'mon, tina this is serious. how involved are you with this guy? oh, really? people close to tyrel have a nasty habit of turning up dead, or haven't you noticed? and who are you with him tina? i'm not exactly sure who i am anymore but at least i'm trying to find out. if you really had any faith in yourself, you wouldn't be hanging on to some kind of free ride. carrying the mask, stanley tries to blend in with the crowd. thanks. where are we going? it's crazy. i've lost all control. when i put on this mask i can do anything. be anything, but it's ruining my life. gosh, peggy. do you really mean that? what? peggy, what are you doing? my aparment. it's in my apartment! i don't know. you just put it on! i can explain everything. you've got to listen to me! go find yourself a new home, milo. it looks like i'm going to be here for a long long time. about time you found me a lawyer. . tina? what's wrong? your boyfriend kick you out for not delivering me on schedule? i don't know. but i've got plenty of time to figure it out. now is not the best time for me on trusting women. you ran out on him? he wasn't exactly mother theresa in the first place. a real change of pace for him. as long as he's got the mask, there's nothing they can do to stop him anyway. there's nothing anyone can do. then the world's going to be a very dark place. and if i were you, i'd get out of town. fast. for what? the mask. hey! a girl's being kidnapped out there! do something! peers down the hall and sees climbs up on the cot and looks out the window. milo! come on, boy! come on, milo! shows milo the guard, then whispers in the dog's ear. keys, milo. get the keys! good boy. i said "keys" not "cheese"! keys. k-e-y-s. keys! atta boy, milo. now let's see if we can get out of here. puts one hand over his eyes and slams the butt of the gun down as hard as he can on the guard's head. thonk. the guard drops back come on. hold it! i warn you! i'm seriously stressed out here! putting myself in your custody. milo! okay. now we have to hurry or we'll miss the party. now move. okay. when i push the red button the safety is off, right? alright, suit yourself. you stay and be a good boy. plucks the gun from the unconscious guard and sneaks into the casino. pssst. you guys. over here. start sneaking people out the back. watch out for the oil. hang on, tina. watches this, then takes a look at the ticking detonator. less than a minute to go. he strains at his bonds -- forcing the rope into a burns through his ropes. he frees himself and races to the detonator. 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 milo! milo, come! hold it right there or you'll be looking for this on the bottom of the harbor. you can have it. but she gets to go. swimming. we're still close to shore. go ahead. hurry. back to jail, lieutenant?