dorian. thanks for coming by, kid. that? it was nothing. he was a pain in my ass anyway. here, sit down, sit down. thanks, but it might be a little early to celebrate. as a matter of fact that's why i asked you to stop by. here. have a little something to eat. that's svenska meatballs, kid. the real thing. so, i tell you dorian, it's a terrible shame. i put all my hard work into this beautiful casino and what do you think? all the sudden i got all kinda problems with the city. big problems. the whole deal could fold. what a sweet guy. isn't this guy a sweetheart? thanks for the offer dorian, but i think maybe i can solve this myself. that's right. you know that councilman you got in your pocket? well now you've got 'im in your mouth. how you like that? now listen close scumbag! you want to bw in business with me? okay, we're partners now. i'm takin' fifty per cent off the monkey's paw. you screw with me again and i'll send you straight down to hell with your scumbag councilman. you can apologize for eatin' him for lunch. good. now get out of my sight. oh dorian, here's a couple tickets to my grand opening. stop by. and try to dress up nice. it's good for business. let me offa this thing, you lousy scumbag!