s-s-s-nazzy! it's party time! through his bedroom window, propped up on the fourth story ledge. its leering grin seems to beckon stanley as we begin to hear the pounding beat of the mask f.x. theme. stanley. stanley. ah. my public! no, but i believe my friends are. jackson, lincoln and roosevelt. let's rock this joint! s-s-s-smokin! stands there nonchalantly filing his nails, whistling to himself. casually checks his watch. without looking up he holds out one hand for the catch. gee willickers! does this mean we won't make the star search finals? okay. you got a 27.5% in t-bills amortized over the fiscal yeah 16-3. 4% in stocks and bonds. carry the nine and divide by the gross national product. thank you! you love me! you really love me! cher! ce moi! je'taime, je' taime, je any old tame! at last we are together mon petite bon bon! our love is like a red red rose, and i'm feeling so thorny already, i'd like to nip you in the bud! cigarette? regular? menthol? filter? cigar? cigarette? tiparillo? let me get that for you! aaaaaah. and now. amore! but eu 'tol me 'oo freeze! under arrest! my god! the law! i knew i'd forgotten something! what. what'll they do with me, sarge? bumps into an old lady who screams at his hideousness.