excuse me, where can i open a new account? oh, i'm sorry. i'm a complete wreck. will you hold this please? thanks. well, i'm not sure exactly. i'm just terrible with things like that. that's an interesting tie mr? tina carlyle. pleased to meet you. may i? i'm such a mess. as i was saying about that tie. it's like one of those, what do you call them, ink blot tests. that's it. it looks like. um. a young woman riding bareback. you know, like a lady godiva or something. or. if that's not a horse it could be two lovers. a man and a woman. that would be the woman on top, of course. what do you see, mr. ipkiss? does it work? are you okay? thanks reno, you're the greatest. yeah, well don't get used to it. i'm not going to start running cons for you again, dorian. i'm a singer now and that's it. who latched on to who? don't push me, nicky. i might just take a walk i should have taken a long time ago. nobody. sorry. i never get personal in front of the help. or it could be two lovers. that would be the woman on top, of course. hey, are you okay. there's all kinds of men in this old world that seek the affections of a beautiful girl. you can keep your cowboys on the farm the gigolos don't make me warm it's mink my fingers crave to feel i need a man with checks appeal. pretty boys are such a bore there's manly macho types galore but you'll always know the diamond's real if you've got a man with checks appeal. don't want to see too fanatic but dollar signs are so romantic i want a love that's deep and real just with a man that's got. checks ap-peaaal. beneath his legs, snaps her back into midair, spins her like a baton and hits the floor in the splits without missing a beat. perfect timing. a final somesault and she drops right back down into his arms. they go straight back into a rockin' hitterbug without missing a beat. you. you're losing it dorian. what's that supposed to mean? c'mon, did it look to you like i had a choice? i heard about the robbery. i guess i just wanted to make sure you were okay. are you sure? you look a little. i'm not so sure i'll have much to open an account with anymore. i don't know how much longer i can stay there stanley. things are getting a little intense. i wish it was that easy. there's thousands of girls out there just like me who. an angel huh? that's the first time i've heard that one. i can vamp my way through a tune. but that's not really singing. i'm not so sure there's any other kind. not for me, anyway. what about this guy, the mask? do the cops have a line on him? promise you won't say anything? he came to the club last night and he was just so. well, different. i haven't been able to get him off my mind. yeah. he's ugly. but he's kinda cool. y'know, like mick jagger. yeah. if you hear anything about him, would you call me at the club? what? are you serious? i'll say. do you think you could give him a message? tell him i want to see him again how about seven o'clock tonight at peninsula park. stanley, what are you doing here? a little. that's nice. you know, i hardly ever stop by here. it's hard to believe it was just a garbage heap. wow. they really do. all those pinks and greens. no, stanley. stay for a second. i was thinking about what you said and i, uh, i want you to know i appreciate it. maybe you're right. if i believed in myself a little more i wouldn't rely on guys like dorian. yeah. he's sort of my manager. you really mean that, don't you? no, i mean, you're really worried about me. that's. real sweet, stanley. i can take care of myself, stanley. i always have. look, this may sound a little cold but i do what i have to do to get by, okay? i'm nobody in this town without dorian. hello, stanley. is that what you think - that i set you up? you're just going to have to trust me on this. i ran out on dorian last night, stanley. i just came to tell you i'm sorry. sorry about everything. that magic mask of yours turned him into some kind of monster. he's going to the casino opening tonight and he's planning to do something terrible. half this town will be there stanley. i tried to tell the cops, but they wouldn't listen to me. there must be some way. how does it work? and if you've got a black heart? thanks. lots of things. for really believing in me when i couldn't. for sharing a sunset with me. for being the first guy to treat me like i was a person instead of a slab of meat. and for being any kind of romantic. even a hopeless one. you know, that night at the club i knew i met someone special. someone like nobody i'd ever met before. no. the guy that was inside the mask all the time. you. stanley ip - --kiss. i've got to disappear for awhile stanley. i'm not sure where i'll go but i'll let you know as soon as i can. i just went out for a little while dorian. let me go you bastard! stanley! stanley, look out! you've got it all wrong! i could care less about this creep. nobody could replace you, dorian. nobody! one last kiss. no! from the real dorian. the guy i used to love. you did it. stanley. we made it. we're alive! go where? stanley! the dynamite! stanley?