let's see. target left work at 5:01 pm. he caught the northbound howard line. got off at sheridan. stopped at 7-11. purchased six- pack of beer and a box of captain crunch. returned home. do you know when we're going to make contact? just between you and me, you don't believe it, do you? you don't believe this guy is the one? i know. but what about you? yeah, but if he's wrong -- hear what? yeah, course i'm sure. yeah. right. see you on the other side. shit. morpheus, i know what you believe but i think this is a mistake. we're rushing him. he's old. i'm afraid he might pop. i knew it, i knew it. he's gonna pop! he's going to pop! everyone falls, right, trinity? whoa! shit, neo, you scared the bejeezus out of ne. no, it's all right. midnight watch. the matrix? yeah. you want a drink? i'll tell you, i feel for you, man. i really do. most of us were still young, just punks, when morpheus jacked us. but you, you had a real life. good shit, huh? dozer makes it. it's good for two things: degreasing engines and killing brain cells. did he tell you why he did it? let me give you a piece of advice. between you and me, if morpheus says you can fly, i wouldn't go jumping out any windows to find out if he's right. understand? welcome to the real world! that's what he said to me nine years ago. the real world. ha, what a joke. you know what real is? i'll tell you what real is. real is just another four-letter word. mmm, so, so fucking good. you know, i know that this steak doesn't exist. i know when i put it in my mouth, the matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. after nine years, do you know what i've realized? ignorance is bliss. i don't want to remember nothing. nothing! you understand? and i want to be rich. someone important. like an actor. you can do that, right? all right. you get my body back in a power plant, reinsert me into the matrix and i'll get you what you want. i told you, i don't know them. but i can give you the man who does. that's what they changed. we're trapped. there's no way out. i need an exit! fast! there was an accident. a fucking car accident. all of a sudden. boom. they're all dead. i still got the shakes but, jesus, someone's going to make a believer out of me. just get me outta here. an actor. definitely. goddamn gas. my lungs are killing me. we got any pain killers? hello, trinity. he had an accident. you know, for a long time, i thought i was in love with you, trinity. i used to dream about you. you are a beautiful woman. too bad things had to work out like this. in a way you're very lucky. most people never know why they die. one minute they're alive, the next they're dead. no warning. nothing. that's why i thought maybe i should tell you. it seemed the least i could do. you see, the truth, the real,truth is that the war is over. it's been over for a long time. and guess what? we lost! did you hear that? we lost the war! zion? zion is a part of this delusion. more of this madness. that's why this has to be done. it has to end. now and forever. you see, trinity, we humans have a place in the future. but it's not here. it's in the matrix. oh, i disagree, trinity. i disagree. i think the matrix is more real than this world. i mean, all i do is pull a plug here. but there, you watch a man die. you tell me which is more real. welcome to the real world, right? pay for it? i'm not even going to remember it. it'll be like it never happened. the tree falling in the forest. it doesn't make a sound. don't hate me, trinity. i'm just the messenger. and right now i'm going to prove that the message is true. if morpheus was right, then there's no way i can pull this plug, is there? if he is the one, then in the next few seconds there has to be some kind of miracle to stop me. because if he dies like the others that means morpheus was wrong. how can he be the one if he's dead?