the metal harness opens and drops the half-conscious neo onto the floor. like a sleepwalker, neo follows morpheus through the ship. there is no morning; there is only darkness and then the fluorescent light sticks flicker on. tank is back at the controls. trinity blinks, shivering as her conscious exits the construct. trinity watches neo as his body jerks, mouth coughing blood, his life signs going wild. tank is trying to find another entrance. morpheus checks the ship's self destruct key. tank answers. the keyboard clicking, tank searches for an exit. trinity screams into the headset. the hovercraft booms as machines drop onto it. morpheus grabs the biggest gun he can find. the lasers begin to slice through the hull. neo's body jerks, and everyone hears it as the life monitors snap flat-line. through the lasered opening, morpheus screams, blasting away at the machines; comet-wads of plasma burning holes in their armored housings. tank is hit, a laser bolt knocking him to the ground. they can't hold them off any longer. morpheus lunges for the self destruct -- morpheus flicks the plexiglas shield of the self- destruct. trinity screams as the monitors jump back to life. tank and morpheus stare, unbelieving. a sentinel blows a hole in morpheus' right arm and he screams, refusing to let go of the detonator. machines split open the craft, pouring in, lasers targeting everywhere. in the still darkness, only the humans are alive.