i know. stay calm. yes. you have to focus. there is a phone. wells and laxe. you can make it. go. hello, neo. this is morpheus. i had hoped for this conversation to take place under less adverse conditions, but you can never count on hope, can you, neo? i've been watching you, neo, and i want to meet you. i don't know if you're ready to see what i want to show you, but unfortunately, we have run out of time. they're coming for you, neo. and i'm not sure what they're going to do. stand up and see for yourself. yes. now. do it slowly. slowly. the elevator. yes. i'm not sure. but, if you don't want to find out, you better get out of there. i can guide you out, but you have to do exactly what i say. the cubicle across from you is empty. go! now! stay here for a moment. a little longer. when i tell you, go to the end of the row to the first office on the left, stay.as low as you can. now. good. now there is a window. open it. the answer is coming, neo. outside, there's a scaffold. you can use it to get to the roof. there's a small ledge. it's a short climb. you can make it. don't be controlled by your fear, neo. there are only two ways out of this building. one is that scaffold. the other is in their custody. you take a chance either way. i leave it to you. they got to you first, but they've underestimated how important you are. if they knew what i know, you would probably be dead. i don't know what you are thinking right now but i want you to understand that i will not give up on you until you give up on me. do you still want to meet? take the howard line south. at last. welcome, neo. as you no doubt have guessed, i am morpheus. please. come. sit. thank you, trinity. i imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? i can see it in your eyes. you have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. ironically, this is not far from the truth. but i'm getting ahead of myself. can you tell me, neo, why are you here? yes. thank you. but i think we both know there's more to it than that. do you believe in fate, neo? why not? i know exactly what you mean. let me tell you why you are here. you are here because you have the gift. i've watched you, neo. you do not use a computer like a tool. you use it like it was part of yourself. what you can do inside a computer is not normal. i know. i've seen it. what you do is magic. but it is, neo. it is. how else would you describe what has been happening to you? we are trained in this world to accept only what is rational and logical. have you ever wondered why? as children, we do not separate the possible from the impossible which is why the younger a mind is the easier it is to free while a mind like yours can be very difficult. from the matrix. do you want to know what it is, neo? it's that feeling you have had all your life. that feeling that something was wrong with the world. you don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad, driving you to me. but what is it? the matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. you can see it out your window, or on your television. you feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. that you are a slave, neo. that you, like everyone else, was born into bondage. . kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. a prison for your mind. unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. you have to see it for yourself. hold out your hands. this is your last chance. after this, there is no going back. you take the blue pill and the story ends. you wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. you take the red pill and you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. remember that all i am offering is the truth. nothing more. follow me. haven't i always told you, cypher, not to let fear control your life. apoc, are we on-line? neo, time is always against us. will you take a seat there? i imagine you know sonething about virtual reality. tell me about it. if the virtual reality apparatus, as you called it, was wired to all of your senses and controlled them completely, would you be able to tell the difference between the virtual world and the real world? no, you wouldn't. the pill you took is part of a trace program. it's going to make things feel a bit strange. just relax, neo. apoc? tank, we're going to need the signal soon. stay calm, neo. shit! apoc? now, tank now! welcome to the real world, neo. i know. your muscles have atrophied. we're rebuilding them. you've never used them before. rest, neo. the answers are coming. more important than what is when? you believe the year is 1997 when in fact it is much closer to 2197. i can't say for certain what year it is because we honestly do not know. i promised you the truth, neo, and the truth is that the world you were living in was a lie. i'll show you. this is my ship, the nebuchadnezzar. it's a hovercraft. small like a submarine. it's dark. it's cramped and cold. but it's home. this is the main deck. you know most of my crew. the ones you don't know. that's mouse and switch. the two big guys are tank and dozer. and this, this is the core. this is where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the matrix. help him, trinity. do you remember when i asked you about an apparatus that could turn a virtual reality into reality? it's right here. and it's accessed here. this will feel a little weird. this is the construct. it is our loading program. we can load anything from clothes, to weapons, to training simulations. anything we need. sit down. wild, isn't it? what is real? how do you define real? if you're talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you're talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain. this is the chicago you know. chicago as it was at the end of the twentieth century. this chicago exists only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the matrix. you have been living inside baulliaurd's vision, inside the map, not the territory. this is chicago as it exists today. 'the desert of the real.' we are, right now, miles below the earth's surface. the only place humans can survive outside the matrix is underground. it started early in the twenty- first century, with the birth of artificial intelligence, a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. at first all they wanted was to be treated as equals, entitled to the same human inalienable rights. whatever they were given, it was not enough. we don't know who struck first. us or them. but sometime at the end of the twenty-first century the battle was joined. the war raged for generations and turned the face of our planet from green and blue to black and red. it scorched and burned the sky. without the sun, the machines sought out a new energy source to survive. they discovered a new form of fusion. all that was required to initiate the reaction was a small electric charge. throughout human history we have been dependent on machines to survive. fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. the human body generates more bio- electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 b.t.u.'s of body heat. we are, as an energy source, easily renewable and completely recyclable, the dead liquified and fed intravenously to the living. all they needed to control this new battery was something to occupy our mind. and so they built a prison out of our past, wired it to our brains and turned us into slaves. i didn't say that it would be easy, neo. i just said that it would be the truth. no. but if you could, would you really want to? i feel that i owe you an apology. there is a rule that we do not free a mind once it reaches a certain age. it is dangerous. they have trouble letting go. their mind turns against them. i've seen it happen. i broke the rule because i had to. when the matrix was first built there was a man born inside that had the ability to change what he wanted, to remake the matrix as he saw fit. it was this man that freed the first of us and taught us the secret of the war; control the matrix and you control the future. when he died, the oracle at the temple of zion prophesied his return and envisioned an end to the war and freedom for our people. that is why there are those of us that have spent our entire lives searching the matrix, looking for him. i did what i did, because i believe we have been brought here for a reason, neo. you are here to serve a purpose, just as i am here to serve mine. but i do, neo. i do. get some rest. you're going to need it. your training. how is he? show me. this is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the matrix. consider this your first lesson. attack me. good. adaption. improvisation. but your weakness isn't your technique. how did i beat you? do you think my being faster, stronger has anything to do with my muscles in this place? do you believe that's air you are breathing now? if you can free your mind, the body will follow. again. you are angry with me. it's all right. it's natural. good, good. anger is a gift, neo, but it's a heavy one. tank, load the jump program. you have to learn to let go of that anger. you must let go of everything. you must empty yourself to free your mind. everyone falls the first time. if you never know failure, how can you know success? the body cannot live without the mind. how's he doing? good. i want everyone alerted to 12-hour stand-by. we're going in. neo, it's time for you to know why you're here. we're in. mouse and cable hold the exit. let's go. we should be back in an hour. do you now understand what it means when we say, if you're not one of us, you're one of them? anyone that is still in a power plant. that is why we try to be invisible in the matrix. you're looking well, mojo. this is the temple. it is a part of zion's mainframe. it's hidden inside the matrix so that we can access it. okay, you're on your own. go with them. you don't have to tell me anything, neo, because i already know what she said. i brought you so that you could hear it for yourself. i knew it would help. no one will ever ask you because it is a gift from her. it is for you and you alone. come on! give me your phone. we have no choice. tank, find a structural drawing of this building and find it fast. i need the main wet-wall. good. come on! you have to get neo out. understand? that's all that matters now. he must get out. do you understand me? and you are? you all look the same to me. oh, so have i. i already have. i knew it! i goddamn knew it! do you believe me now? he's the one! who else could have done this? it doesn't matter if i don't believe you -- what matters is that you don't believe her. i know. don't worry, he'll make it. do it! he's going to make it.