fuckin' idiots don't know shit. what the hell. what do you want, anthony? you got the money this time? i don't know. i have to work tomorrow. yeah, yeah. sure, i'll go. how did you know that -- who are you? trinity? the trinity? the trinity that cracked the i.r.s. kansas city d-base? gee-zus. i just thought. you were a guy. do you want to go sorewhere and talk? that was you on the board tonight. that was your note, wasn't it? who wouldn't? what? why? i don't understand -- the matrix. what is the matrix? wait. who was it? who was the man? shitshitshit. yes, mr. rhineheart. perfectly clear. if i was late again, i'm going to be fired. yeah. that's me. hello? no. who's coming for me? right now? holy fuckin' shit! what the fuck do they want with me?! how?! but what if? how do you know all this? no! it's too far away. no way, no way, this is crazy. this is insane! why is this happening to me? what did i do? i'm nobody. i didn't do anything. fuck! fuck! fuck! i'm going to die. this is insane. i can't do this! forget it! i didn't do anything! yeah. wow. that sounds like a real good deal. but i think i have a better one. how about i give you the finger -- and you can cram that file up your secret service sphincter. you ain't seen nothing yet. you can't scare me with this gestapo crap. i know my rights. i want my phone call. the agents -- yes. what are you doing? what are you doing? jesus! god! do what? oh, shit -- it's an honor. you could say that. you're morpheus, you're a legend. most hackers would die to meet you. no. because i don't like the idea that i'm not in control of my life. what gift? it's not magic. free from what? what truth? how? apoc? you wrote the four horsemen virus. a little. essentially, it's a hardware system that uses an apparatus; headgear, gloves and whatever to make you feel that you are in a computer program. you might not, no. you did all this? shit. what is this? mescaline? uh-oh. it's cold. it's all over me -- am i dead? what are you doing? why do my eyes hurt? morpheus, what's happened to me? what is this place? when? that's not possible. how? right now, we're inside a computer program? this isn't real? what happened? no! i don't believe it! it's not possible! stop! let me out! i want out! get this thing out of me! don't touch me! get away from me! i can't go back, can i? i told you i don't believe in fate. for what? no. you don't have. zion? jiujitsu? i'm going to learn jujitsu? no way. holy shit! hell yes! this is incredible. i know kung fu. you -- you're too fast. i, uh. maybe. i feel better. shit. okie dokie. yeah. free my mind. right. no problem. i thought it wasn't real. if you are killed in the matrix, you die here? sorry. what are you doing? is that. ? jeez, i was wondering about that. why i was bald here but not in the matrix. residual self image. life systems monitor, glucose levels. main power supply to the core. mainframe self-destruct. uses all remaining power to generate an. e.m.p? what's he talking about? see who? did you have to do this? what did she tell you? any of them true? the agents. they're sentient programs. they can commandeer any software hardwired to the mainframe. the best hacking is always traceless. what -- what happened? there is no spoon. right. hello? hello? you're the oracle? yeah. what vase? shit, i'm sorry. how did you know? who? i think so. i don't know. what's the good news? is that it, then? you do? whoa. deja vu. nothing. just had a little deja vu. a black cat went past us and then i saw another that looked just like it. it might have been. i'm not sure. what is it? i don't know. it just went dead. it's tank! he's alive. yeah. right. what are they doing to him? how? how much time? the access codes to zion. you need help. i'm coming with you. morpheus did what he did because he believed that i'm something that i'm not. i'm not the one, trinity. the oracle told me. she said i had a gift but i still had a lot to learn. she told me maybe next life. why? it wouldn't mean anything. he'd still believe what he wanted to believe. but morpheus is the one that matters. he's more important than me and we both know it. i may not be what morpheus thinks i am, but if i don't try to help him, then i'm not even what i think i am. his friend. yeah? that's why it's going to work. there is no spoon. trinity! help. thanks. i'm fine. can you fly that thing? get up, morpheus! get up! he won't make it. gotcha! oh fuck. morpheus, i know you won't believe me but the oracle told ne i'm not the one. don't! get outta here. okay? run! go! it was nobody. let's go! you first, morpheus. i believe. i want to kiss you. so are you. i already have. my name is neo. mr. wizard, get me the fuck out of here! hurry, tank! i got some serious pursuit! i'm trying, trinity. i'm trying. hi. it's me. i know you're out there. i know you're working as fast as you can to catch me. i thought i should call and let you know how things stand. i know you're real proud of this world you've built, the way it works, all the nice little rules and such, but i've got some bad news. i've decided to make a few changes.