i know. you're neo. be right with you. bingo. i got to say i love seeing you non-believers. it's really a relief. all that pomp and circumstances just plain tucker me out. almost done. smell good, don't they? i'd ask you to sit down, but you're not going to anyway. and don't worry about the vase. the vase. i said don't worry about it. i'll get one of my kids to fix it. what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if i hadn't said anything. you're cuter than i thought. i see why she likes you. not too bright, though. you know why morpheus brought you to see me? so? what do you think? you think you're the one? you know what that means? it's latin. means, 'know thyself.' well, let's have a look at you. open your mouth. say, 'ahhh.' hmmm. you sure got the gift, but it's tricky. i'd say the bad news is, you're not the one. still got a lot to learn. maybe next life. same as the bad news, you're not the one. no. here. you better take a cookie. got a big day ahead of you. make a believer out of you yet.