call trans opt: received. 2-19-96 13:24:18 rec:log> trace program: running. trace complete. call origin: jackon: i heard morpheus has been on this board. superastic: morpheus doesn't even exist and the matrix is nothing but an advertising gimmick 4 a new game. timaxe: all i want to know is trinity really a girl? lodiii: 87% of all women on line are really men. quark: the matrix is a euphemism for the government. superastic: no, the matrix is the system controlling our lives. timaxe: you mean mtv. superastic: i mean sega. fos4: all hail sega!!! do you want to know what the matrix is, neo? superastic: who said that? jackon: who's neo? gibson: this is a private board. timaxe: someone is hacking the hackers! fos4: it's morpheus!!!!! jackon: identify yourself.