all right, you're relieved. use the usual exit. soon. i think morpheus believes he is. i think morpheus knows things that i don't. did you hear that? are you sure this line is clean? i better go. shit. morpheus! the link was traced! i don't know how. are there any agents? goddamnit! all right -- get up, trinity. you're fine. get up -- just get up! hello, neo. i know a lot about you. i've been wanting to meet you for some time. my name is trinity. that was a long time ago. what? most guys do. no. it's safe here and i don't have much time. i had to gamble that you would see and they wouldn't. i can't explain everything to you. i'm sure that it's all going to seem very strange, but i brought you here to warn you, neo. you are in a lot of danger. they're watching you. something happened and they found out about you. normally, if our target is exposed we let it go. but this time, we can't do that. you came here because you wanted to know the answer to a hacker's question. twelve years ago i met a man, a great man, who said that no one could be told the answer to that question. that they had to see it, to believe it. he told me that no one should look for the answer unless they have to because once you see it, everything changes. your life and the world you live in will never be the same. it's as if you wake up one morning and the sky is falling. the truth is out there, neo. it's looking for you and it will find you, if you want it to. that's all i can tell you right now. good-bye, neo. and good luck. you know who. shit. we got him. call the chop-shop. listen to me, neo. you have to, trust us. this has to be done for your protection and ours. you can't understand right now, but if you're not one of us, you're one of them. hello, gizmo. yeah. are you going to help us or aren't you? we think you're bugged. we can't take you to morpheus until you're clean. what's happening? do something! are you crazy? that will kill him. clear. neo, are you okay? it's over. we got it. thanks for your help, gizmo. gizmo, you don't have the hardware to handle this software. let's go. he's waiting. this is it. let me give one piece of advice. be honest. he knows more than you can possibly imagine. i knew he would. it's going into replication. i got a fibrillation! he's going into arrest! far from it. easy, neo. easy. come on. neo, i saved you some dinner -- yeah. lots of things. some of them. there's no point in worrylng. whatever is going to happen is going to happen. here they come. what did you just say? what happened? what did you see? how much like it? was it the same cat? a deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix. it happens when they change something. oh, god. they'll be able to track it. morpheus, don't -- we need a phone. tank, it's me. we need an exit! cypher, i thought -- got it. you first,.neo. what happened? cypher? where's tank? an accident? what about dozer? is dozer there? you killed them. what about zion? oh rny god. this is abzut zion. you gave them morpheus for the access codes to zion. the matrix isn't real! somehow, some way, you're going to pay for this. goddamn you, cypher! we should, we should hurry. tank, you're hurt. dozer? i'm sorry, tank. goddamnit! goddamnit! no! i'm going in after him. if he does i'm sure you'll do what has to be done. no. no, i don't think you do. if you did, then you would know that i'm not letting him go. not without a fight, tank. not without a fight. what do you think you're doing? no. no way. morpheus sacrificed himself so you could escape. there's no way you're going back in. what? did you tell morpheus? what are you? guns. lots of guns. no one has ever done anything like this. dodge this, motherfucker! you're hit -- not yet. tank, i need a pilot program for a military m-109 helicopter. hurry! let's go. shit-shit-no! morpheus! tank, get us out of here. see ya soon. what happened? was that -- morpheus is right, you know. it doesn't matter what he believes or even what the oracle believes. what matters is what you believe. i want to kiss you too. but i want it to be real. neo! an agent! you have to send me back! jesus, he's killing him! send me back, tank! anywhere! what is it. oh no. sentinels. you can't use that until neo is out! neo, you better get your ass back here! where is he? hurry, neo. no-no-no! neo, you're not dead! you can't be dead! you're right here. i'm holding you, neo. i'm not letting you go. do you hear me? i won't let you go. goddamnit, neo! don't give it up! not now! not now! now get up! now! neo?