"brough, you us your asses! we saved you so hard core you don't even know!" "so, you think you finally found the one, huh? another one?" "huh?" "in the flesh, so to speak." "what do you think, dujour? should we take him with us?" "morpheus?" "see, man? this is home. this is the main street. one of em, anyway. almost everyone is a fighter. sometimes, even the kids. "our energy as a people is directed toward liberation. check it out, here are some newcomers." "energy plant we raided on our last mission. there were some survivors." "yes, lovely." "two. sidewinder and left-right." "he who loses faith" "fuckin finally, jesus christ. its about time we iced that bastard." "i guess 1 n 298 isnt a bed record, huh?" "live free or die." "you want to know what being the one means?" "one drink and youre toast." "and virtual doesnt count, man, doesnt fucking count." "here, here." "so, you went back in, and you two pulled him out?" "hey, did you kick anybody elses ass, neo? like morpheus?" "why are we always getting screwed? not only do i have to go straight back into the shit, but i lose my command, too?" "oh my god thats so funny. my point is, dont we need some r-and-r? unwind a little? we lost two crew on the last one, you lost like five, right? shit. im glad we found mr. invincible, here, but jesus" "fuck. every fucking time we get another one, this is what they do." "well, these are the times that try mens souls. heres to victory." "aye aye, capitano." "ok, try it here." "what? tell me you got signal." "are you using the right pulse wave?" "oh my god. what are they - " "call morpheus." "yes sir." "the mainframe? haha. its a joke, right morpheus? is today april 1^st ?" "and what do you think you were doing there, writing code for video games? you were working for the man." "what, by power of will?" "hes joking right?" "it cant be this easy." "holy fucking shit." "too quiet? the world is frozen. ill go first." "and remember, kids, when youre in a war, never volunteer yourself!" "the jacket stops fragmentation. sometimes they bomb the phones. kiss me for luck." "you werent lucky." "you still want me to call you? ha ha ha!" "yeah, tanks a lot."