the missile swoops up over him, leaving him in its exhaust smoke. the assault on neo continues. he struggles, unable to concentrate long enough to find a way to fight back. neo reaches back and puts his hands on either side of smiths head. as hes being pummeled from the front, he squeezes and screams. his screams are mixed with smiths. the agents head deforms as were hear a sickening crack. suddenly, the body reverts back to that of the original owner, a security guard, and the head simply explodes. he exits into the street. the scene is one from hell. neo struggles to fly, and as he does, hes pulling a stalagtite of black suits, clinging like iron filings on a magnet. its a sea of the dead. from its center, neo emerges, soaked in blood, gagging and gasping for breath. he stumbles over them. shocked and crazed, he glimpses the metacortex building. its in one piece again, unharmed.