the phone booth is obliterated. miraculously, choi and the woman are still under the cover of the jacket. throwing the smoking jacket off them, choi screams in agony as he grasps the smoldering stump of his right shoulder. the arm is history. the other end of the street fills with soldiers, and agent brown. agent brown and his men rush into position around the building the rebels are hiding in. soldiers pick themselves up just in time to hear another engine - a super powerful track bike, emerges from the burnt rubber smoke screen. a wheely bar on the back of the bike keeps it from flipping around the rear tire as it accelerates like a bullet out of a barrel. there isnt even time to take a shot until shes gone. gregory slows from a run. he looks back as police cars and ambulances race toward the metacortex building. he cant shake what hes just witnessed. he looks forward, only to run into: