choi, razor, dujour, and circa are sitting around the operators console, feet up, eating. on the screens are patchy images of trinity and neo standing together in the glade. its like theyre watching a soap opera. the voyeuristic crewmembers collectively groan as the lovers disappear off the screen and into the darkness. the ship is quiet. razor sits at the operator console, smashing the keyboard as he forces tetris pieces into place. razor halts his video game playing and flashes to a different screen. lines of code come pouring down the screen as he types, then hits the enter key with a flourish. the screen flashes, and the familiar scroll of the matrix cascades down the screens. morpheus leans over razor and choi. razor is at his operator chair, surrounded by consoles. some of the matrix code screens are in blue, others in red, at least one in green. the code on the green screen starts pouring down at an incredible rate. the ghost program is loaded. we see 3-d images of morpheus and the others flash across the screen.