the ships operator, a lean asian kid with a gaze like a laser scan, sits behind neo, whos sitting at the operators console with his hands on the abbreviated keyboard. trinity sits with them, her feet up as she observes. morpheus, neo, trinity, choi, and niobe are on the chairs as theyre being jacked in by circa and razor. razor bangs away at the keyboard. razor stares at the data pouring down the screens. razor dials the phone. morpheus picks up. razor clears the screen in front of him and cracks his fingers. he looks at circa. trinitys body spasms violently against her harness as her life signs go berserk. shes not dead, but death is only seconds away. circa screams, but razor is locked, staring at the screen with the intensity from which he derived his name. circa stands over trinity as the rebels blue eyes flutter open. her whole body goes into a seizure and she chokes and screams as she grabs circa.