"niobe, theyre closing." "just a few. maybe two or three. hundred." "a concentric ring of defenses that shields zion. the fighters that just saved us constitute the first ring." "for the moment, perhaps. its still a long drive home." "we're almost home. we'll need a detail. five minutes." "niobe" "thanks for the rescue." "go on ship's liberty. meet me in the dead duck at 21:00 hours, drunk or sober." "so, how do you like having your own command?" "you must be both mother and father to your crew." "as long as they dont get out of line, ill just be a brother." "so, you can smack me around, neo?" "hes on bereavement leave with his mother. dozer was the second son shes lost in this war." "the nebechanezzer is out of commission for at least a month. but, thats not giving us a rest." "yes. this is another special op. im in command, niobe and trinity are team leaders. neo is our secret weapon." "we dont know exactly what hes capable of. he may be just tapping his potential, or he may have already reached it. we are to learn from him, as he does from us." "youve been assigned to this mission because youre the best, choi." "you dont have to go, choi. volunteers only." "we have a chance, here, but the window of opportunity is brief. our ships say the matrix is already upgrading and re-coding to block our entry. and neos." "he is the one." "power up. sleep mode." "and others are able to change the reality of the matrix itself." "discussing history, are we?" "in the matrix, without him, were helpless." "not until we reach broadcast depth. its slow going out there. i guess they know were coming back, so theyre patrolling. we have time to rest and ready." "im here." "proximity alarm?" "be right there." "it sounds bad. theyre readjusting quicker than we thought." "it appears that they are learning their lessons." "tell neo? about his predecessors, i suppose?" "he is the -" "to me, none came before him. the oracle told me i would find the one. it is prophecy. you havent seen what he can do." "there are lots of ifs. how about this one: what if we lose faith in our cause?" "talk to me." "do it. were at broadcast depth?" "we have to download our mission specs. move aside, i have to log into the mainframe." "we have our mission, but its up to us to interperate how well do it." "you havent seen the one in action." "can you hack in?" "we dont speak of the past." "morning. niobe, wake the rest of the crew. razor, whats the eta for getting us in there?" "come with me." "were deep in their territory." "are you rested?" "you know now, that you had predecessors." "what types of things?" "its true. there were others. and i didnt tell you right away. because you were not ready." "does this anger you?" "you shouldnt be, neo. you are the key in the oracles prophecy. everything forseen to come to pass, has, except one thing." "the destruction of the matrix." "your coming was heralded, and it is my destiny to prepare the world for you, and to baptize you by fire. but from here on out, no one knows." "not in this life." "no one has heard from her or her priestesses since the day cypher turned on us." "perhaps she did." "remember, when i told you, that ill show you how deep the rabbit hole goes?" "i brought you deep, yet i no longer know the way. no one does. with every second we sink deeper than before. you are our guiding light, now. your powers exceed mine a millionfold. i have shown you the path to victory, neo. lead us down it." "were going straight for the throat, people." "we have the advantage of surprise. they wont expect us to return so soon." "niobe, youre the liasion to our operators. neo, what do you have for a game plan?" "the metacortex building." "they keep the left hand from seeing what the right hand is doing. thats how an evil system can be made by innocent people. but, that doesnt matter." "well fan out around the city, keeping an eye out for you. if youre able to accomplish this mission, well phase back into the ship. stay in contact. if you lose your cell, contact an operator immediately." "whats going to happen? if this is it, right now? the end?" "i knew it." "send through ghosts to confuse their lock." "we can only watch." "what the hells going on?" "why?" "yes." "lets go. laxe three." "we can do nothing to help him. well only get in his way." "i smell an ambush." "go." "this way." "the garage, hurry!" "keep your foot on the gas. heal thyself." "none. theyve killed city-wide comms." "they cant track us, but that gives them more time to destroy our exits, and find the neb. well try the desert. communications might be working there still." "she knows to meet us there." "good to hear youre still there." "about two hundred miles east of the city, on highway 315. we need an exit." "i dont remember an exit there." "out." "check the phone for bombs." "not a problem." "i thought razor said their were two cops." "niobe, you first." "get her out." "reload me." "where is neo?" "why does it still exist? why hasnt he destroyed it yet?" "what? why not?" "i found him once. ill find him again." "neo." "i know." "yes, there is a problem. the matrix exists." "and the problem is" "i didnt say things would be easy, neo." "neo, the matrix. its not real. and its up to you to end it." "even if we could somehow get to them without cutting through their defenses, theres no way we can rehabilitate billions of people. they wouldnt even want to be woken up." "you can do it. you can free us." "you know what needs to be done. time is short. make up your mind. the only way youre getting out of the matrix is through its destruction." "no one goes in. hes on his own."