"what's that?" "who is this guy?" "what happened to him?" "was he like me?" "no. i've never been a big sleeper." "how many 'ones' have there been?" "but what does it mean, to be the one?" "so, now what?" "does he ever knock?" "you?" "where did they come from?" "how are their minds freed from the matrix?" "all i know is i kicked smiths ass." "god, how do you do that?" "what?" "yeah." "well. ill drink to that." "kicked. kicked smiths ass." "morpheus? yeah, i smacked him around, too." "oh yeah. anytime." "ka equals 9. but reverse ka is point-nine, right? "i know these symbols from the hacking trainer. but how come its so hard to find them on the keyboard?" "where did these symbols come from, anyway?" "all numbers between zero and one. that could be an infinite number of numbers." "holy shit. how many calculations per second?" "ok. at last count that was what, a gazillion, right? two gazillion?" "woah." "ok. thats why it looks like reality. they have the computing power to create entire worlds." "so, if we hack into the matrix, why cant we just change the code while were at it?" "right." "like reality." "how did i end up as. a freak?" "ok, so how do you explain me?" "well, what separates us from others?" "boo." "it doesnt matter if i do." "yes." "i think you can do anything you want, if you believe." "i dont know. i dont know exactly what i can do." "i dont know if i can." "i wont let you fall. ever." "its not real, trinity. youre not standing there. step out. i can do it. you can, too." "whoops." "grab me!" "grab on to me!" "what the hell were you doing?" "showing me what? you nearly gave me a heart attack." "oh. and this requires acts of insanity?" "only when im plugged in." "what?" "i see that." "yes." "yes. ive heard things." "that there were others, like me, who you thought were going to be special. but they ended up dead." "i dont know yet. so much has happened so fast, that i cant decide whether or not im angry, or dissappointed, or even if i should be." "what?" "can we ask the oracle." "but she must have known, if they came to her." "i cant believe it. i dont know, morpheus, if im prepared for this war. im not a soldier. how, how are we going to win?" "yes." "where is the mainframe?" "what the fuck? thats where i worked." "i thought i was working on a fucking database." "how bout this? i just walk up to the metacortex building and blow it up?" "how bout a quarter mil?" "youre back." "and you have a ponytail now." "well, is that right?" "no!" "morpheus, pick up." "i was on to you the whole time. i only came in here to isolate you, to destroy you." "i realized, that i cant destroy you - " " - without destroying the matrix itself." "i know." "the matrix?" "i can. but if i destroy the matrix, everyone within it will die." "how many people are in it?" "i could." "if you cut the power that the matrix supplies to your armies, ill let you live." "why?" "you mean, lives." "well see." "stop! i dont want to fight you! youre human!" "morpheus! holy shit! you wont believe what happened." "i couldnt do it. morpheus, theres a problem." "i know. im sorry." "uh, its impossible. if the matrix is destroyed, the people within the system will die. they will all die. there has to be a different way." "morpheus? did you know this?" "no." "no, morpheus, this cant be! we cant do this! we have to get the people out." "why me? why the fuck do i have to do this?"