"can't, the core is still good. and they've got 'the one.'" "shut up and make the exit. hold on!" "woo-hoooh!" "how many?" "youve got a gift for understatement." "too many!" "no shit." "they're ours." "neb crew, you can relax now." "its good. but trying. the responsibility" "who will you be now? the mother, or the father?" "already?" "six came before him, morpheus." "what if they toughen the matrix code, like last time?" "its not a joke. we have the one. we must do it now." "what is it?" "i cant even imagine." "hes doing it." "morpheus, look!" "me too. too quiet." "tanks, or agents?" "junior ranks leave first." "come on! go through, trinity! god damnit dont give up!"