i need another name, or i start frisking your friends. hree years ago. so we're somewhere, now: who was that guy-- you should go. you tell them where to find me. what i need is to borrow some dress blues. can you help me out? christa, i'm really sorry about what-- and some of that blood is mine. good luck with your case. relax, i'm a cop. go a little further, read what they did to the bodies. it's the same as what happened to alex and that girl. somebody at aesir knows what-- you can tell me about project valhalla. max. she was my wife. a week ago, i thought the universe had turned against me. everything i loved was gone, and for some reason i'd been left here to suffer alone. is that what happened to michelle? you need to see this. what's going on here, bb? you should have killed me then, when you had a chance.