the e.r. doctor's old man was a patrolman in the 45th. i got him to get you a private room. our contact information was. pretty out of date, you know, but one of the dispatchers remembered me and your dad riding together back in the day. he first unit to respond must've scared them away before they could do the same thing to you. pretty remarkable, considering your luck. no need. the funeral starts in an hour. ust slow down. you need to-- yeah. my office is on the way. yeah, from a musket ball. the british used this place as a military prison during the revolutionary war. think about that. it's older than st. paul's. i saved one of those for you. third page from the back. hey're going to set up some kind of scholarship in her name. hey kept coming to me for suggestions over what she might want. i guess since we go back so far, maybe they think i'm i said art. she liked art, right? t's a nice thing, a scholarship. good way to remember somebody. you still haven't been out there, have you? it's a nice spot. i'll go up there with you after, if you want. i think you just said the magic words. call once you hear from the union lawyer. nice work, detective. well, i hope that felt good. it makes you look guilty. you understand that, right? now it's not just alex's unit that thinks you're the guy. you need friends on the force right now. there's only so much i can do outside. where are you going? it was sitting at this very table that your father told me i needed to retire. for about a minute, i just sat here thinking about knocking him out of his chair. the job was everything to me, to the point that i couldn't see the writing on the wall - what it was doing to my marriage, my health. your old man knew if i was going to listen to reason, it b could only happen in here. there's nothing you can't say in here. it's like hallowed ground. any guy who throws himself out a window, i wouldn't pay any attention to the things he said. and you are now? okay, calm down. then stop acting like it. max, you're breaking into offices, i.a. is all over you, you won't even show up for work. for god's sake, don't drag her into this. what's really going on here? listen, okay? why don't you come back with me, let beth make up the guest room for you. just for tonight. you need to take some time. get some sleep, heal up. see if it still feels real after that. she was thirty-five. the daughter, two months. from what we could tell, it started out as a robbery. oth of the men had records, mostly bullshit - possession, petty theft. ut that day. i don't know. they had something else on their minds. ax was maybe ten minutes late. we looked everywhere for the third guy, but there was nothing to go on. not a hair of him left behind. this isn't just some job stress freak- out. this is a man who lost everything, and who deserves a little understanding from the rest of us. if you'd known him before. you'd want to believe him, too. absolutely not. alex was his partner, they were like brothers. he couldn't have. there's no way. look, max is like a son to me. don't put me in a position to have to hang him. but you should hear the kinds of things he's saying. hallucinations, none of it makes any sense to me. i'm worried he's going to get into another situation before i can convince him to come in. i'm telling you to find him tonight, before somebody else gets hurt. is there anything we can do to help you bring him in? unofficially, of course. you have to find him first, protect him. some of the guys from alex's unit beat you to him, they won't wait for a trial. max? what are you doing? those grunts who went crazy in iraq? oh, my god. it's me. i killed alex. he came to me about six months ago, asking about one of the executives at aesir. at the time i had no reason to connect it to michelle, i just thought. i tried to warn him, this guy has connections to some scary people-- jason colvin. he used to be the head of the pharmaceutical division, but he's moved up over the last few years. i guess michelle probably reported directly to him. ou've got copies of this stuff, right? e careful, max. not unless you feel like carrying him out of here. max knows me, and i definitely don't know mr. lupino. row up. she had no right to put me in that situation. asking me to pass up this kind of an opportunity to help her rat out my bosses. i'm sorry, but that's unreasonable. but then again, who could blame her for getting confused, being married to such a righteous man. so maybe it is your fault, after all. just like your old man. always knew you were better than everyone else-- for what it's worth, he didn't know michelle was going to die. he thought they were going out there to scare her, destroy her research. i'd arranged with the other guys to finish the job. he locked them out of the bedroom, tried cpr. boy scout shit. and as thanks, you nearly blew his head off while he crawled out the window. that's funny, to me. you really didn't know? i learned something from your father, years ago. always give people a choice. he gave me the choice between early retirement or facing the charges he was going to bring against me. he sat me down in that bar and explained that i could either give up the thing i loved, or i could have it taken away by force. that you could have put a gun in your mouth any time you wanted. or, you could have kept living in the hell i made for you. that's your choice. just out of curiosity, though: why don't i have a chance now? well, you're-- 've got something better. grab me some of that rope. it's not like we didn't see it coming. sullen, withdrawn. max just never seemed the same after the tragedy. it's a good thing his father didn't live to see it, though. bill payne's only son, a strung-out suicide. smiling) it would have eaten him alive. sure? not even once the autopsy turns up traces in your blood? dosed you that night at alex's, just to make sure things were fuzzy. compliments of the house. oe, why don't you calm down. it's fine, as cold as that water is. just in case, though. make sure. bravura called in the feds. or god's sake, come on. max is dead, they've got nothing else. bullshit. there's no way-- her. need you to send a helicopter to my building. nthe storm's breaking. i understand an executive named jason colvin was also among the dead. senseless tragedies, all. everything's fine, we're just-- what is that supposed to mean? think pretty hard about that. i'm about to be surrounded by federal agents-- who needs luck? they're going to love the stories i can tell. send the helicopter, then. take everybody and get downstairs. i want no less than his head. take some c4, wire it so he can't make it to the roof. i'll wait on the chopper. you know i won't leave without you. the weather's broken, your pilot is going to have no problem landing. it's unbelievable. all that snow, and. watch it end up being a beautiful day. you want my confession, first? you came all this way for it. forgive me, max, for i have sinned. i should have bet more on you, and less on that helicopter. just get to it, already. that's all i ask. you've earned it, so just. but i want you to listen to me, first. just try to hear what--