detective payne? a. i need you to come with me. now. ow'd the girl have your wallet? like. picked your pocket? so you didn't know she was a prostitute? trevor duncan. he's your friend? that's classy. you know what trevor does for a living, i assume? see. so you'd piss in a cup for us, right? ou and detective hillman haven't worked together since your reassignment. what made you get back in touch? and? ook at this from my perspective: i've got two bodies in ten body bags. you you've been around long enough to know i'm his only way out. i'm listening. believe him about what? are you saying you think max did have something to do with alex's murder? then what are we talking about? bringing him in won't be a problem. where i need your help will be his-- the blast point is outside the train. ased on the spread of the wreckage. they moving very fast, either. so he had the bomb with him inside, but he decided to walk outside to detonate it? show me where it happened, then. he was coming out of here? where's the stuff you guys moved? spent four hours up at homicide going through alex's desk and cataloging pictures of this woman, and not one of you bastards bothered to mention that she was max payne's wife? who are you protecting? you've got a reason, now. tell me everything you know about this woman, starting with her name. i need to talk to somebody about a woman who used to work here. don't look at him. move aside. this is jim bravura, ia. you need to tell the units responding to the aesir call to come equipped for automatic-- the aesir building, nobody's called anything in yet? hell yes, i'd like to report something. we've got machine gun fire in midtown. put your hands up! you need to come in now, before anything else gets pinned on you. stop what? tell me what's happening-- nypd! hold your fire! hold your fire! okay. again, from the beginning. what kind would that be? none taken. agent taliente, i'd like you to meet a real cop. try to take payne alive, if there's anything left.