sgt. adams leads the detective down a hall, giving the tour. the detective steals a look at max as adams shuts his door. as max strains to see detail in the dark room, a face materializes in the haze: cheeks laced with tattoos, eyes twinkling flames sunk in deep shadow. jack lupino. max moves down the hallway, following a trail of clothing. from inside a room, we hear the faint sound of chanting. max creeps down a hallway. his shoes crunch in something: bb shuffles down the hall, shivering in his boxers. he pauses at the thermostat, frowning to find the heat cut off. office workers draw back and gasp as colvin's bloody face appears. max is close behind, holding the belt around colvin's neck, pressing his pistol to the back of his head. max stumbles up the hall. he chances a look back at the black-clad guards crashing through office workers. where a row of more guards are handcuffed to a bench. max turns the corner into a long hallway of prison-like offices. emergency lights flicker through barred windows. salle holds out his hand for the detonator. behind mona, elevator doors open to reveal more guards. they file out.