yes? are you? no -- as long as it takes. we have an arrangement now. i didn't say. sure. here. black. it's so very nice to see you again. susan. allison. quince. drew. bill. thank you. thank you. 'threw' you? where? i didn't know her. the body i took knew her. the man she met in the coffee shop this morning. i - uh - took him. no. it hadn't occurred to me until then. i was just having such a wonderful time -- besides, isn't this what i'm here for? what a good idea. no. i won't. you're putting me on the spot, bill. that's the best i can do. . but minute-by-minute, i find myself lingering. your doctor? did your doctor say anything about a tiny, undetectable hole in your aorta? did he mention an irreparab- ly weak vein in the further reaches of your famous brain? were they any prognostications about the possibil- ilites of a fatal collision on a golf cart of suffocating in an avalanche on a skin vacation in gstaad? i hope you realize, bill. in your office this morning, that was your time. not at all. good night to you, bill. hello. i'm joe black. nice to meet you. what are you eating. 'laura scudder's peanut butter'. you like it? yes, i am. i thoroughly enjoyed this - uh - peanut butter. and i thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. i'm lost. i'm sorry. 'big'? i am joe. that is not my intention. peanut butter. i haven't. do you love drew? when you put your mouth to his, susan, it seems a frequent thing. i'm sorry. do you live here? i guess what i'm trying to say is -- i'd like us to be friends. i don't have any. i didn't mean to offend you at dinner. i'm not quite at home some- times with people. i get busy doing - uh - what i do, and i don't seem to have developed -- i have a certain function to per- form, and that seems to take all of my time. bu sometimes - uh - i speculate - uh - i haven't left room for - uh - anything else. susan? did you know you have a wet spot on your shoulder? goodnight to you, susan. yes? thank you. good morning, bill. 'feeling'? i feel fine. how do you feel? oh, i wouldn't tell them anything, bill. you'll ruin the good start we had last night. i felt as if i were being treated like a person. 'joe' this and 'joe' that - a nice smile - quince passed me the rolls -- no 'rapture' or 'passion' or any of those mighty things you seem so intent on imparting, but i am cer- tain, should you - uh - say - uh - who i am - our adventure would end abruptly. and what? sounds fair enough. a 'deal'? bill -- you've got a deal. when you were shaving this morning, you weren't just shaving, right? you were hatching ideas, making plans, arriving at decisions, right? so you understand the concept then. when you're busy here, your work, what your task is, is being executed elsewhere. so you've grasped the idea. con- gratulations. now multiply it by infinity and take it to the depth of forever, and you still will have barely a glimpse of what i am talking about. yes, bill. make an exception? not this. that's what everybody says. that's what everybody says. i understand. what do you mean? can you keep a secret? so can i. no. i'm sure you'll see to it that it won't be a problem. thank you. do you have any more of these deli- cious cookies? why yes, thank you. cold. yes. 'death and taxes'? "death and taxes"? what an odd pairing. of whom? then why did you bring it up? those cookies were excellent. i don't understand. are you sad, bill? you're not thinking of going some- where, are you, bill? of course. oh. okay. it can't buy happiness? no thank you, bill. i can manage. how nice you look. is that your uniform? oh goodness, no. i came to see you. very well, i'll watch. whatever you do. and i'll be a visitor. i don't mind -- no obeah, sister. no duppy, no jumbie. evera ting gon' be irey. obeah evil. i not evil. i from dat nex' place. no, no. i on holiday. i nuttin' to do wi' dat. doctor lady make it irey. can't, sistah. not time yet. can't feel wi' de way tings gotta be, easter. close your eyes, easter. she's in a great deal of pain. some. thank you. i'm so very glad to be here. well, i could come again some other time. not now. be sorry for nothing. good-bye, susan. are you going to eat your lunch excellent. what is it? truly - uh - splendid. uh-huh. and more. well. i don't know. this part i'm interested in. yes. perhaps a merger is a way to bring bill's company into the 21st cen- tury. and perhaps it isn't. and perhaps cheating on your french philosophers exam at the groton school was an expedient way to get your diploma, and perhaps it wasn't. be that as it may, drew, a question can often be argued both ways. absolutely. why, at this juncture, are you letting yourself be so concerned by business matters? okay. easy, bill. you'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation. that's very gracious of you, quince. i wanted to apologize, susan -- well, now i am sorry. for intruding on you this afternoon. i appreciate you -- i mean i appreciate that. you do? well, thank you very much. no. i would prefer some peanut butter. toast? no. just the butter. i don't know. yes. yes. i've found that it does. i'm very concerned about the woman you attended to today. has her pain abated? i'm sorry to hear that. but i know she's grateful for the care you're giving her. susan's patient is whom we are talking about. perhaps you could remind me. susan is a wonderful doctor. i don't know. i guess. i wouldn't put it that way. you tell me, bill. are you going to fire me, bill? i don't like the way drew spoken to you. but i feel better about it now because of the way you spoke back. why? no, i'm not. no. no. thank you, i appreciate that. to bed. yes. i'm tired. cirrhosis of the liver is the fifth leading killer of adult western males. on the other hand, winston churchill drank a bottle of cognac a day and lived until he was ninety-one. and you're a nice man, quince. you're welcome. no, i don't -- you first. almost. what an angry fellow. please. we don't need to talk about drew. i love your smell. thank you. -- could you? why, yes. thank you. you're welcome. yes? well. i'm -- uh, joe. and you're susan. and i - uh - have this weak feeling in my knees -- faster. and i want the scent from underneath your ears and the taste of your lips and the touch of your tongue to stay with me -- forever. hello, bill. um -- not right now. goodnight. who i am, and my relationship to bill, will be divulged in our own good time. i'm sorry, bill -- what's okay? 'fish'? i'm not hungry. i am. how beautiful. he's taking a nap. yes, he's tired. i believe so. no. thank you. i loved it. yes! nowhere? i'm. here. oh, i hope a long, long time. what do we do now? hello, bill. i'm sorry to hear that. yes, i saw you see me. i'll be the judge of that. with all due respect, bill, i'm not asking your permission. 'spooning'? i picked you for your verve, your excellence, and for your ability to - how shall i say - instruct. you've lived a first-rate life. and i find it eminently usable. i'm only following the parrish bywords. looking for that 'ounce of excitement', that 'whisper of a thrill' -- what there is no sense living your life without. you know what i mean, bill. this universe? i don't like your tone, and i don't like your references. may i remind you this is not just a dispute with a putative suitor, this is me. so watch it. bill. i told you, 'watch it'. dr. parrish. oh. don' be facety, woman. no, i come to see doctor. nuthin'. yes. mine, too. yah. i am. she knows how she feel. don' need you okayin'. brung you flowers and all i gettin's facety back. can do no right by people. come to take, you wan' to stay, leave you stay, you wan' to go. rahtid! but i not lonely here. somebody want me here. got enough nice pictured, easter. why are you giving me money? i am who i am. i cannot change. that's impossible. you're wasting your money. i couldn't change even if i wanted to. uh -- -- i have the feeling that, all in all, what i made this voyage for -- has served its purpose. you are? good. tomorrow, after the party. no, thank you. do i? i'm a little confused. love. you love allison, don't you? how did you meet? but she loves you? 'the deepest, darkest secrets --'? what do you mean 'free'? oh yes, you are one of my favorites. go to bill parrish and tell him everything. he'll forgive you. because that's the kind of man bill parrish is. -- getting to. no. i love you in an evening gown. yes. your father and i, our time together has come to an end. well -- i -- i can tell you the when part. tonight. no worse than it gets for me. i'm in love with a woman whom i don't want to leave. we know so little about each other -- but there's so much to tell you -- will it? what will we do? 'love will find out the way'? i believe that, don't you? excuse me -- tell drew that bill acknowledges that this was a contest and he's lost. the race is to the swift, but could drew summon a modicum of understanding and allow bill to save face. tell him bill wants it understood in the business community he has merely moved upstairs in his own company, and the executive continuity is unbroken. tonight's the night to do it. he'll introduce drew to his press friends as well as some of his close acquaintances from washington and drew can tell them that everything's sailing along just fine. not at all. i was just asking, bill. -- and i'm in love with your daughter. i'm in love with your daughter, and i'm taking her with me tonight. i think you heard me, bill. i'm sorry, bill -- i love her, bill. she is all that i ever wanted, and i've never wanted for anything because i've never wanted anything before, if you can understand. then what is it? which is what? so that's what love is? those were my words, bill. susan wants to come. she says she's in love with me. no. i don't like what you're saying. are you threatening me? are you telling me i can't be part of it? there is something i do want to tell you -- did i say that? the 'coffee shop' -- i - uh -- don't you know, that's what i want more than anything. may i kiss you? i'm still here. i love you now, i'll love you always -- susan -- thank you for loving me. we should think about getting started, bill. okay. you're the poison, drew. you've operated behind-the-scenes to suborn the trust of a man who has stamped you with his imprimatur of class and elegance and stature. i've seen all kinds and degrees of deception in my time, but bill parrish has been on the receiving end of machinations so machiavellian that it has rarely been my experience to encounter. and yet he has combatted them stoically, and selflessly, without revealing my identity. had he violated the vow of secrecy he took, his task would have been far easier, he could have turned defeat into victory, but he is too honorable a man to have done that. and now i must release him from that vow. because of me, he has lost his work, his company, his reputation -- and now he's going to tell you who i am. -- and now you're going to pee some more. it's time to put this person where he belongs. i appreciate your gentlemanliness, bill, but what we need to do here is drive the dagger home -- prepare yourself, drew - i am -- i'll take it from here -- i am -- yes, i am. irs man. and we're very grateful. undisclosed conflict of interest -- an indictable offense. and he's talking through his lips. my pleasure. this is an irs agent's dream. i'll be promoted to chief of section off of this. 'death and taxes'. do you have any peanut butter? thank you, anyway. happy birthday, bill. not exactly. yes. i wouldn't worry about it, bill. these things have a way of working out. yes. not a man like you. -- you bet. i don't know -- y'know, i don't know -- it's all blurred up and hazy. and would y'know what i mean if i said i don't think it's worth figuring out? well, i don't know what else to say. it's a helluva party -- yeah. and you're the prettier thing here.