what do you think of all this, may? oh, the president's got better things to do than come to my birthday party. hi, allison -- not much more. big day in the big city. what's on your mind? allison, i trust you. this is your thing. hi, honey. drew's aboard? i hate parties -- isn't it enough to be on this earth sixty-five years without having to be reminded of it. how did you know? does drew tell you everything? you like him, don't you? i don't like to interfere. good morning, drew. thanks for coming out. 'thoughts'? not a one -- but i did hear a voice last night. in my sleep. 'yes'. maybe, who knows? you know how voices are. let's go. good morning, quince. i'm doing great. you ready? how's that, quince? not my birthday again? thank god. now could we go? let's get this day started. i am. with you. i know it's none of my business -- do you love drew? forget about me and mom -- are you going to marry him? don't get carried away. susan, you're a hell of a woman. you've got a great career, you're beautiful -- well, i wasn't going to say that -- listen, i'm crazy about the guy -- he's smart, he's aggressive, he could carry parrish communications into the 21st century and me along with it. that's for me. i'm talking about you. it's not so much what you say about drew, it's what you don't say. oh yes, i am. not an ounce of excitement, not a whisper of a thrill, this relationship has all the passion of a pair of titmice. well, it worries me. i want you to get swept away. i want you to levitate. i want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish. be deliriously happy. or at least leave yourself open to be. i know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. if you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? i say fall head over heels. find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. and how do you find him? forget your head and listen to your heart. i'm not hearing any heart. run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. to make the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well, you haven't lived a life at all. you have to try. because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. aw, you're tough. stay open. who knows? lightning could strike. you won't tell him, and even if you did, he'd clock it and punch it into his laptop in order to pull out some key phrases when he gives the commencement speech at wharton. i know. but i'm the only father you've got. he doesn't care. but thanks anyway. what? did you just hear something? no no, not you. nothing. i'm sorry. nothing. well, here we are -- a-okay. got my gloves on, my ears pricked. i'm ready for action. yer damn right. sounds good. do you think i need a haircut? our first annual report, must be thirty-five years ago now, i owned two stations, i wrote down a state- ment of purpose, that one day you would wake up to a parrish radio station, read a parrish paper at breakfast, catch our news on tele- vision during the day, and go to bed with one of our books or magazines and you would always be told the truth and in the bargain, have a good time. good, good. glad to hear it. i'm sorry, i don't recall -- i thought you were buying my company. well, that's very nice to hear. me, too. like a marriage made in heaven? hi, jennifer. as close as a deal could be. 'yes' what? i didn't ask any question. who are you? i don't! what are you talking about? what is this? who is this fucking guy? i'm sorry, i -- where are you? are you there? please. talk to me -- what do you mean?! know what? know what, goddammit! come in. sure. no. nothing. what, honey? i know you do, darling. oh, you couldn't be more wrong, sweetheart. i can' tell you how much i appreciate it and how i'm looking forward to it. tell it to me again. is somebody waiting outside, luisa? please have a look -- show him into the library, tell him i'll be right there. uh -- i don't know. no - uh - i don't. hello? where are you? what is this, a joke, right? some kind of elaborate practical joke? at my 40th reunion, we delivered a casket to the class president's hotel room and -- i - i - uh -- what the hell is this? who are you? about what? 'take me'? where? 'the one' to do what? get what? what the hell are you talking about? i'm sorry -- yes what? what question? the 'question' -- am i going to die? am i dreaming this? are you a dream? you're coming to 'take me'. what is that? who the hell are you? you are --? death. death! you're not death. you're just a kid in a jacket and a pair of pants. you want me to be your guide --? i do? how long will you be staying? and then --? this is crazy -- you're not going to eat dinner with us. excuse me? could i say something? it just occurred to me -- when i introduce you, if i say who you are, i don't think anyone will stay for dinner. uh -- sorry -- to have stepped away for so long -- uh -- this is a friend of mine i asked to drop by -- we got to talking and stuff -- uh -- he's going to join us for dinner -- um -- oh, i'm sorry. this is my daughter, allison, and her husband, quince, drew, my number one, works with me. a name? oh, excuse me. this is -- uh -- this is -- sorry. um - you - you know it's gone right out of my head -- yes. what do you mean? -- black. he is! let's sit down -- joe knows what you're saying, just being polite -- uh -- he's from out of town -- no -- you know each other? what?! uh - will that hold you, joe? we've got some things to discuss. cut it out, susan. you and i've got to talk. big day tomorrow, everybody. joe, let's go. joe, that's the kitchen. i'm sorry, i'm a little discon- certed, that stuff between you and susan -- uh -- threw me. shook me up. i mean that you knew her and everything -- so there's nothing between you and susan? i wish you had said something to me about staying here -- no, i'm okay with this - uh - i think. so -- bathroom. tub. towels, sauna -- thank you. would you like the man's name? if there is anything else, don't hesitate -- how long have i got? when you go, i go. i just saw my doctor, he told me everything was fine. no -- closer than that. well, thank you for letting me know. and - uh - i guess, 'goodnight'. no. thanks, luisa. luisa -- good morning. how are you? how're you feeling? um -- well, i didn't sleep too well. this is crazy. this is the left- field thing of all time. what do i do? what do i tell my family? what about my family? this 'adven- ture' involved only me, right? and i won't tell anyone who you are. it is a deal? you give your word, i give mine -- that we'll do what we say. it's a truth exchanged between two people. yes? shake hands. you know, i got to thinking last night -- with you here, and seem- ingly occupied, how's your work going - uh - elsewhere? what do you mean? i guess so. of course. joe --? how about giving a guy a break? there's one to every rule. -- i don't deserve this. i'm still young, this is not my time -- i'm not everybody. i want to live. what's it like? what's it like where i'm going? yes. good morning, jaime. i'm sorry, not today, jaime. -- and call my family, i'd like them to come over for dinner tonight. jennifer. perhaps you would like to wait in my office --? what i'm trying to say is this is a board meeting and you are not a mem- ber of the board. -- this is joe black, a personal associate of mine - uh - he'll be joining us today. i know it's -- uh -- unusual, and my apologies -- and drew -- uh -- carry on. would you like to sit down, joe? thank you, drew. sorry. i know it looks like i'm reversing my field. i am now. shall we adjourn? well said, eddie. mr. black, shall we? -- what's the deal here? are you going to be breathing down my neck right 'til the very end? i'd like to be alone for a while. yes, i am. there's a research lib- rary on the fourth floor. why don't you go down and read some magazines? joe, could i ask you to take a walk? buy a tie or something. i know i'll be seeing you. now i'd like to be alone. here -- this will hold you for a while. jennifer, give mr. black a map of the city. it's all yours. cold lamb sandwich with cilantro. a little coleman's mustard. glad you like it. my wife turned me onto cold lamb sandwiches. joan -- that was my wife -- cold lamb sandwiches -- not as chewy as roast beef, not as boring as chicken. she knew stuff like that. why didn't you stop me? i thought you'd heard a trillion times -- she had on this little blue suit -- with a little white collar that had little red piping on it -- no. sit down, drew. joe and i have no secrets from each other. why? joe, cut it out. and you too, drew. well now it's undone, okay? forget bontecou! scrub him! i'm tired of his fancy name and his fancy offer. i'm not going for it. dinner? absolutely. i don't want anybody buying up my life's work and turning it into something it wasn't meant to be. a man wants to leave something behind. and he wants it left behind the way he made it. and he wants it to be run the way he run it -- with a sense of honor, of dedication, of truth. okay? and i don't need your goddamn permis- sion either! you! drew! i don't need anyone to tell me how to run my life. thank you, quince. next week? no, anything is possible. it's up to joe. who? conflict, honey. korean conflict. of course. i like it. i like it. i'm sorry i don't seem more appreciative. i was a little abrupt with you this afternoon, drew. forgive me. i want you to know i value your advice. you're competitive soul, drew. that's what makes you a great addi- tion to the money. joe is just. around. please. don't worry about him. and above all, don't antagonize him. -- i - uh - want to thank you all for coming - uh - my family -- anyway -- i remember when you were little girls -- and now you're all grown up -- and i'm - uh - um -- will it?. there is so much i would like to say -- but i can't -- so i better sit down. carry on, everybody. no. please, drew. okay, we'll see you tomorrow. why did you go to the hospital? you were just curious? about susan? what way would you put it? how about you telling me? when i ask a simple question, i expect a straight answer. that's what i'm used to. anybody who doesn't give it to me, i fire. that was wonderful. do you mind if i raise a little caution flag? what is the nature of your interest in joe? i won't say you may be getting onto shaken ground -- i don't think this is the lightning you are looking for. drew's a good man. i know i didn't seem to be completely in his corner before, but i've come to appreciate -- nothing. then what is it? what is this? who's annie? i don't like cake. oh, the goddam party -- no thank you, quince. i'm sorry, honey. i'm no good at this. why don't you choose whatever cake you like? yeah, i give a shit. this one. what is there to say? they know what john bontecou is -- and if they didn't, they know now. what are their feelings? over my dead body. i don't care. whose? i'm feeling real uncomfortable right now because the guy who reports to me is threatening me. i think it's time you went home, drew. hello. would you like to join me, quince and allison for a nightcap? okay. goodnight. good morning, jennifer. what? good morning. i don't think so. do you? that's it? the answer is no, quick enough for you? i'm not interested in the details. and i'm not interested in the big picture either. what i am inter- ersted in is how my board got conven- ed behind my back, is entertaining a further proposal from a man whom it offends me to do business with, moreover has the audacity to present this to me like a prize fish, and i am expected to clap for it like a performing seal. no, thank you. yes, you are to understand that, and now may i ask you a question? are you running this board or am i? doesn't need to. today, tomorrow, a week from now -- 'a week from now', who can think about a week from now -- the answer is going to be the same -- a loud, unmistakable, all-inclusive, airtight -- 'no'. i've already introduced mr. black to you all. in english, please. thank you for allowing me to save face, drew. joe? please, eddie, no 'fat lady sings" shit. yes, the big 'celebration' of my mandatory retirement birthday. you're an honored guest, eddie. that's okay. just a manner of speaking. what 'okay' is, it's 'okay' it's over. we've got bigger fish to fry, don't we, joe? never mind. i'm tired. i'm going to take a nap. then i can't help you. i couldn't sleep. no, i'll come down well, you're at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong woman. i'm her father! well, you goddam well should. you walk into my life, give me the worst news a guy can get, have me dancing on the heads of pins with my busi- ness and with my family, and now you're spooning with my daughter. yes, and stop repeating everything i sai, and turning it into a question. spooning, fooling around, god knows what. you arrive on the scene -- why you picked me, i still don't under- stand -- what do you want? you're violating the laws of the universe. any universe that exists or ever existed. you may be the pro, joe. but i know who you are. and you're all fucked up. and i don't give a shit. cut the 'bill' crap out -- you sonofabitch. hello, honey. joe? i don't know. i don't understand. this is crazy -- you don't know anything about joe -- susan, i don't think joe is going to be with us long. i don't know, i can't say -- in this case, i can't. i - uh -- i just can't help you. i only would tell you -- that with joe, you are on very, very dangerous ground. i don't care if you love him! i'm telling you he's no good for you! yes? what are you saying, that it's time to go? yeah. excuse me. eddie? fine, fine. big doing up here. why are you still down here? eddie, hold out all the hope you want but, i promise you, it's hope- less, it's over. come on up, let's get drunk, if i had your shoulder to lean on i might actually enjoy this -- if you're trying to show me lay- down-in-front-of-the-bus loyalty, forget it. okay, eddie -- anyway, thanks for the memory. it's starting to grow on me. but what do the 'b' and 'p' mean? do they, m'dear? you are amazing. why, oh why, allison, are you doing all this? yeah? and what about my enemies? i haven't been the father to you that -- i wasn't going to say -- hey, there's lots to come. a little excess -- like you love. you know, darling, this is going to be a wonderful party. it's okay, quince. i understand. you've always meant well and i appreciate that. sometimes things just turn out -- wrong. sure. yes, i believe i do. no, i'm out of business, right, quince? however i do have some unfinished business -- with drew. get him out here. get him on the chopper and get him out here to- night. i want to tell this guy how i feel about him face-to-face. all in all, what bill wants to do is build the golden bridge to drew with no hard feelings. quince, i've got confidence in you. thanks. what the hell do you care? you 'want to know', i'll tell you. you're looking at a man who tonight is not about to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he's galloping into it. and the same time, the business he built with his own hands and his own head is being commandeered by a couple of cheap pirates. and, oh yes, i almost forgot, my daughter's fallen in love with death. say again? you're what? you're not taking susan anywhere. and what the hell does that mean anyway? susan is my daughter, she has a wonderful life ahead of her and you're going to deprive her of it and you're telling me you're sorry? well, i'm sorry, apology not accepted. how perfect for you -- to take whatever you want because it pleases you. it's not love -- some aimless infatuation in which, for the moment, you feel like in- dulging. it's missing everything that matters. trust, responsibility, taking the weight, for your choices and feel- ings and spending the rest of your life living up to them. and above all, not hurting the object of your love. multiply it by infinity and take it to the death of forever and you will still have barely a glimpse of what i am talking about. well, they're mine now. with you?! who is 'you'? did you tell her who you are? does she know where she's going? i don't expect you to. i certainly hope so -- i loved susan from the moment she was born, and i love her now, and every minute in between, and what i dream of is a man who will discover her and she will discover a man who will love her, who is worthy of her, who is of this world, of this time and has the grace and compassion and fortitude to walk beside her as she makes her way through this beautiful thing called life. why did you come in here and tell me, joe? you are the biggest shot of all, you don't have to ask my permission, but that's what you're doing. you know why? because you've somewhere, somehow, developed into a good guy, and you know this is all wrong. i don't know what you're going to do -- how can this be love? she doesn't know who you are. why don't you tell her? try it out on her? see what happens. reveal everything there is to know about yourself and let the chips fall where they may. thank you. come in. how are we on time? get him in here. no, he's at the office. i appreciate this, eddie, members of the board, this will just take a minute of your time. as the custo- dians of the company, you may re- ceive information from what follows that is valuable to you -- -- or not. either way, thanks. shut up and sit down. the board didn't know you're a mole who burrowed inside so you could bury us all. joe, don't do this -- it's not necessary, joe. drew's going to step aside -- i told you to shut up. he is -- -- an irs man. the treasury department asked my cooperation in his undercover investigation of john bontecou. they were convinced that bontecou, on past deals, had structured his mergers and acquisitions in sus- picious and complicated ways so as to evade paying the taxes he is liable for. the irs wanted to go after him, and this deal offered them the opportunity. i agreed to cooperate. moreover, agent joe black here -- of course that's not his real name -- smelled out your involvement, drew. he developed evidence you were working both sides of the fence. unfortunately, that's known as a conflict of interest -- an offense -- no lawyers, drew. we're going to offer you a deal. you get not to go to jail. proof? we've got plenty of proof. well, thank you, that's great, but it's more than i bargained for. i just wanted to set the record straight. i thought i was going to sneak away tonight. i'm having a helluva time. i'm sorry. yes, but -- i want you to know how much i love you. that you've given a meaning to my life that i had no right to expect, and that no one can ever take from me. no -- i love you so much and i want you to promise me something. i don't want you to ever worry about me. if anything should happen, i'm going to be fine and everything's going to be all right. -- and i have no regrets. that's why it's okay. it's a good feeling, isn't it? i'm still here. would you like to dance with me, susan? if you don't mind dancing with an old fogey like me. what was that? you go ahead, honey, i'm going to catch my breath. thank you. i guess you have your reasons. now that we have a moment, would you mind if i expressed my gratitude for what you did for susan? don't blow smoke up my ass, you'll ruin my autopsy. that's life. what can i tell you? i'm getting a little dizzy, i can feel my heart pumping --