this shit's not bad. and that? what do you do that for? 9:30's almost 10:30. where i come from, the sun's over the yardarm, m'boy, and the cocktail lamp is lit. hi, bill -- how're you doing--? i am, this is it. b day. bontecou day. going to close with big john -- look at you, bill, all cool as a cat and over at bontecou's, i'll bet he's shitting in his pants. okay. all aboard - new york, new york! hey, this is it, the hour approach- es, i'm getting all excited. so what do you think, is it -- -- just the 'executive committee' or could you guys use me? i know. gum up the works. he said he would be there with bells on. no jocks? a twenty-game winner or a masters champion? someone i could talk to. or would talk to me. i don't think they're ordinary. i love keychains. me, too. hey, buddy! 'joe black'. won fifteen and lost two for the brooklyn dodgers in you bet. i'm kind of my rotisserie league. yeah, they hit the calf over the head with a mallet and then luisa hits it again in the kitchen. you know what i'm saying, joe? how long you here, joe? well, i guess he's found one. great! hey, this is fun. don't bother asking, we already tried. i read you all the way on the bontecou thing, and i know where you're coming from. and i'm with you a hundred and one percent. but i've got to tell you, if mergers are in the wild, i've got some great prospects i've developed. i want to talk to you about them next week. yeah. or the week after. joe, you don't know how glad i am you're aboard. anybody who can take some of the weight off the old man, i'm in his corner. no problem. i'll leave you two alone. i can tell you guys have something on the fire -- i know you're down, but you know when you're down, drew, there's no place to go but up. never mind bontecou. i've got some other merger possibilities up my sleeve, and i'm putting them to see old man. we'll do it together. i'll clue you in. timing's got to be right. the old man says it's up to joe. yeah. yeah, that's what he said. i thought so, too. joe's a neat guy. i love little girls -- you bet. i'd like to come, too. see susan strut her stuff. hi, ed, hi folks, i didn't know everybody was going to be here, what a nice surprise. what's the big confab? well, i'm happy to tell you i've got good news. as i was telling drew, i've been making a little hay while the bontecou sun was shining -- two, possibly three new and boiling hot prospects for merger. he was interested. the timing -- yes. he says it's up to joe. that's what he said. this is great, honey. the orange. has it got a little vodka in it? like that finnish stuff, orange vodka -- put your lips around this one, bill. it's out of this world. but he does give a shit. don't you, bill? see. there. what'd i tell you? but what? the vodka. what'd i tell you? i didn't know that. you're an original, joe. a little hard to figure, maybe. thanks. what have you done? you've gotten the old man fired! i'm going to put a stop to this! but i didn't mean to do it! i don't want to get rich this way -- i'm going to expose you. give me a seagrams and '7'. okay, give me a bottle of wine. both. c'mon, have a drink. you look like you need one bad as me. confused, huh? about what? 'love'? oh, man, i've got troubles of my own. oh yes, i do. i was a world-class loser and she was a happy, little rich girl -- and for some reason she took me in. because there's nothing we don't know about each other and it's okay. i mean the deeper, darkest secrets -- they don't matter. yeah, it's like you know every inch of each other's souls -- and then you're free. free to love each other. com- pletely. totally. no fear. what would you say if you knew it was me who brought down bill parrish? i told drew and the board that bill depended on you. drew led me on, but i had no business telling him in the first place. he was setting up bill from day one. drew and bontecou are going to chop up the company and sell it off for parts. bontecou was outside, drew was mr. inside. and i was the fool who made it all happen. oh god, what do i do? you think so? how do you know? well, maybe. i guess you know him better than anybody. do you think i should wait to tell him 'till after the party? what can i say after i say that i'm sorry? i zipped when i should've zagged, i opened my big mouth one too many times, everything got all twisted -- come in, joe -- i want to thank you -- okay, bill? joe knew the whole story. i told him. it was his idea that i come clean. i mean i wanted to come clean but he gave me a pair of balls, you know what i mean? oh, that could be a tall order, b.p. i doubt that drew's anxious to see you face-to-face. you think drew will go for it? sir, i'll deliver the package. bill --? -- i got him. the chopper's two minutes away. he had no choice. you're a formidable adversary. well, you've got him by the short- hairs.