good morning, dad. drew called from the astar, they're still two minutes away. he wanted to ride back down with you. now sit and relax, get some- thing in that flat tummy of yours -- will you relax? i know it is a big deal day -- drew told me. i hope so. yeah. i guess so. then don't. hi. you're only six-five once. i thought you were in a meeting--? there's a start for a meeting. no, it's none of your business. you mean like you loved mom? probably. uh oh -- and i'm your daughter and no man will ever be good enough for me. what were you going to say? so what's wrong with that? you're not listening -- don't get dirty, dad -- that's all? 'be deliriously happy'. i'm going to do my upmost -- bravo. i'm sorry. but give it to me again. the short version. i won't. and when i tell drew about it, he won't either. you're terrible. thank god. daddy, what's the matter? what is it, daddy --? are you okay? well, go get 'em, pops. not at all. it was fascinating. you and 'honey'? i'm sorry -- what's the way? i agree -- i was just being agreeable, now i've got to explain why? so you're a one-girl guy? how'd you know? me? internal medicine. i could be her. yes, i could. i have an office in the hospital. not at all. i've got patients coming in -- 'pro bono'. that means doing good -- going to be doing good all your life? you'd give up what you want for the woman you marry? you'll have a hard time finding a woman like that these days -- i've got to go -- no, it was so right it scares me. why? sure, i'll give you the name of a doctor. . and i don't want to examine you. because i like you so much. now i've got to go. hi, everybody. sorry to be late - had to have dinner with my depart- ment chief -- i'm here, aren't i? wouldn't miss a loose end meeting. what's on the table for discussion? party favors, flowers -- hi dad, hi drew -- we've met. -- this morning. the corinth coffee shop. he was looking for a doctor. that's your name? in this house? incidentally, 'joe' what? so, what are you doing here? what 'business'? funny, i don't get that feeling. maybe it's because you found out i'm bill parrish's daughter. what are you doing here? -- can't seem to escape you today. hand me one of those, will you? you appear at his side out-of-the- blue, stay at his house, eat dinner with his family, it's practically a first. you're in the red-hot center of big business and i thought you were a regular joe. not the one i met this morning, hit- ting on me in as nice a way as i've been hit on in a long time, but the moment you find out i'm my dad's daughter, you act like a stranger. what are your intentions? to make little dreams in coffee shops, turn a woman's head, and i don't mind admitting it was turned, i liked it, but ten hours later i feel like a fool. i don't get it. you, my father, here in this house, the cof- fee shop, it's making me upset, and i don't like being upset. who are you anyway? and what are you eating? you act like you never had peanut butter before -- -- what kind of childhood did you have? come again? drew is none of your damn business. nor is where i put my mouth. no, joe, i'm swimming here. then i'm going home. i've got plenty of friends. i can see why. yes --? i'm sorry to say i know what you're saying. yes? goodnight, joe. shall we dance? i think you want to go to the west wing. through there. joe -- why did you come here? then why are you here, joe? i don't have any time to see you now. i'm doing grand rounds and then i'm examining back-to-back patients until dinner and then -- watch me do what? that's impossible. i'm a doctor, i'm -- patients have visitors, not doctors. just a minute, please. what's obeah? have you filled out the insurance forms? go with her. i'll be right there. yes. don't apologize. there's nothing to be sorry for -- every hospital should have someone like you. yes. joe, i'm with drew. i have to go, i'm sorry to say -- yes. well. thank you, joe. nothing's going on. maybe he doesn't want to be alone. he's go- ing to be sixty-five in a minute -- you think so? i thought you said 'be sorry for nothing'. it wasn't an intrusion. and if it was, it turned out to be welcome. excuse me? and i appreciate you, too. look who's talking. it'll come back, daddy. haven't you had enough of us, dad? we'll be here. why do you love peanut butter so much? i adore things like that. food i can't do without. don't you? it comforts you, doesn't it? i am, too. we're doing what we can for her. but it doesn't look good. joe visited the hospital today. see you tomorrow night. you don't mean that. you wouldn't disappoint daddy -- drew, you're out of line. sorry, but i like the way he looks and talks to me. and vice versa. okay? well. goodnight. how long have you been standing there? tell me about yourself, joe. who you are. what you're doing with my father. because guys who never say anything about themselves are always married. girlfriend? gay? then tell me, joe, how come a man as attractive, intelligent, well- spoken ,diffident in the most sed- uctive way, and yet powerful, is all alone in this world? where are you going? 'to bed'? yeah, it's good to get together. raise away. well, remember how you told me about "lightning striking"? the nature of it's in there somewhere. then what will you say? now we love drew and joe in verbo- ten? what's going on? when you say 'nothing' that way, it's not nothing. it's something. drew! why don't you get off his case? that's it. it's over. get out. i said get out. i'm sorry about -- no. we don't. -- i guess you haven't. it was everything. never tried, 'til now. joe, may i kiss you? you're welcome. joe? i don't know who you are. and is your heart beating strangely? i have to go home. goodnight, daddy. you're here? i just thought i'd drop by, scrounge a little lunch, i was in the neigh- borhood -- just throw it on the chair. he must be tired -- this bontecou thing -- no, not anymore. are you? maybe it's the draft through the door. it's so wonderful to make love to you. it's like making love to some- one who has never made love before. did you like making love to me? more than you love peanut butter? where are you going? for how long? me, too. it will come to us. where's joe? where is he? because i was sitting in a staff meeting, incredibly bored, my mind kept wandering and the only place it landed was -- joe. love. passion. obsession, all those things you told me to wait for. well, they've arrived. why? a man appears at your side, almost never leaves it, you clearly trust him, depend on him, i sense you value him deeply, why aren't those things good enough for me? what are you afraid of, dad? that i'll fall head over heels for joe -- well, i have -- as you did with mom. that's always been standard, whether you like or not. where's he going? c'mon! the guy's working with you. you always know chapter and verse about everyone who works -- i love him. of course not, daddy. i'm sorry. i like you in a black tie. it beats a surgical, doesn't it? where are you going? and you can't tell me who you are. it gets worse. then don't. we know all that we need to know -- don't. that will come later. lightning struck. we caught it in a bottle. don't let it out. i want to be with you, joe -- 'love will find out the way'. it's a saying. yes, that's why i said it. hello, joe. what'd you know? but you can't. and i said you'd have a hard time finding a woman like that. -- that was the place. and you were the guy. you want me to wait for you, you'll be back -- you said before you couldn't tell me who or where, only the 'when' -- is when now? that felt like a goodbye. but you're not. you're somewhere else. you're someone else -- tell me you love me -- tell me you love me now -- hold me -- -- yes? what a night. you were right about joe, he is going somewhere -- are you relieved? but what? daddy -- i love you, daddy -- 'no regrets'. everybody's saying goodbye. oh, yes -- oh, dad, you're not old. you'll never be old. the fireworks are about to start. joe? where did you go? that's it? you think so? the coffee shop -- what has --? no -- i said i liked you so much. we know so little about each other. i wish you could've known my father. what do we do now?