honey, you've got to go on. there's a time to sow and a time to reap, you sow now and forget about him. yeah, i liked him, i don't like him anymore. because you're my honey and anybody messes with you messes with me -- i'm on a plane in a minute. as soon as i get my phone in, you're my first call, that's a promise. where you going now?. good, hit the books, get that degree, one day we'll hang out a shingle together. you bet, honey. later. good morning, i was talking kind of loud there, sorry. oh yeah? what was 'fascinating' about it? my kid sister. she just broke up with her boyfriend and she's thinking about dropping out of law school. nothing to be sorry about. that's the way with men and women, isn't it? nothing lasts. why? i'm not trying to sharpshoot you, but that 'nothing lasts' stuff, that's what was the trouble with honey's guy. he was fooling around and honey caught him at it. one girlfriend wasn't enough for him. damn right. looking for her right now. who knows? you might be her. everybody's a doctor around here. this apartment house is all green pajamas and slippers. the guy i'm waiting for to vacate is a doctor. what kind of doctor? so if i needed a doctor, you could be it? 'her'. -- this is my lucky day. i arrive in this big bad city and i not only find a doctor, a beautiful woman as well. how 'bout another cup of coffee? and i want to get into my apartment and go to work. please, what do you say, another cup of coffee? it's kind of a pro bono job. i know what you're saying. doesn't pay very well. depends on the woman i marry. maybe she'd like a bigger house, a better car, lotsa kids, college doesn't come cheap -- i would. you never know. lightning could strike. did i say something wrong? i've been thinking. i don't want you to be my doctor. because i don't want you to examine me. because i like you so much. you have coffee here every morning, don't you? if i came by, could you give me the name of a doctor? why not? yes. i am not a dream. '. yes --' yes. that's me. the jacket and the pair of pants came with the body i took. let me ask your opinion. do i blend in? you fill the bill, bill. you should hope quite a while. yes. thank you. bill, i am eating dinner with you. and your family. and that's what we're doing. it's not open for discussion. nothing is. don't you understand? of course. speak up, please. then don't. hello. '. how nice to meet you.' hey, you all right? i asked you if i said something wrong and you said it was so right it scared you. you said you liked me. y'didn't? hey, everything's going great -- don't y'think? but we've got time. me, too. it will come to us.