i went up to miss mitchell's house, boss. boy, she's in a bad way. hey, do you know something? she supports a mother and two kids. what do you know about that? no. her mother's awful worried about her. when she left the house she said she was going on a roaring drunk. er, the girl, i mean! sure. hey, but the biggest thing i didn't tell you . . . her old man was doc mitchell. you know, the doc that saved my mother's life and wouldn't take any money for it? you remember that? okay, boss, i'll go and look for her. i just called the morgue, boss. they say there's a girl there ann! say, why didn't yuh why surewho? me? jump off aoh, no! any time but christmas. i'm superstitious. hey, boss. get a load of this. look! they all say they wrote the john doe letter. yeah, boss? do you think we better have him de-loused? both of 'em? yeah. okay, fellas. now, lemme see. you sit outside the door. nobody comes in, see. you two fellas sit in here. aw, stick 'em in the bedroom. here's some cigars the boss sent up. have one. hey, did yuh get a load of the bedroom? who's got him? who? who's got him? hey, wait a minute! you ain't supposed to do that till christmas eve! wanta get me in a jam? yeah. just use the phone. hey, doc, look. look, doc. gimme that again, will yuh? who's gonna get him? who are they? sure. mostly often. hey, come back here, yuh heelot! sorry, lady. you can't see mr. doe. he wants to be alone. no, no, he just sits around all day and commutes with himself. st-rike! come on, angelface! gangway! here he is. hey, don't let your knees rattle. it picks up on the mike! there you are, boss, just like you ordered. symbols of the little people. when does our plane take off again. why, they're coming from all over; trains, box cars, wagons hey! hey, wait a minute, mr. doe!