say, all this john doe business is batty, if yuh ask me. trying to improve the world by jumping off buildings. you couldn't improve the world if the building jumped on you! you ain't gonna get me to stay here. no, sir. that spot under the bridge where we slept last night's good enough for me. gimme mine. i ain't staying! you know we were headed for the columbia river country before all this john doe business came up. you remember that, don't yuh? aw, long john . . . i tell youit's no good. you're gonna get used to a lotta stuff that's gonna wreck you. why, that fifty bucks in your pocket's beginning to show up on you already. and don't pull that on me neither! naw. the next thing the dope wants is a room. yessir, a room with steam heat! and curtains and rugs i seen plenty of fellers start out with fifty bucks and wind up with a bank account! the heelots! the heelots! and when they get you, you got no more chance than a road-rabbit. the heelots! listen, sucker, yuh ever been broke? all right. you're walking alongnot a nickel in your jeansfree as the windnobody bothers youhundreds of people pass yuh by in every line of businessshoes, hats, automobiles, radio, furniture, everything. they're all nice, lovable people, and they let you alone. is that right? all those nice, sweet, lovable people become heelots. a lotta heels. now your whole life is messed up with more stufflicense feesand number platesand gas and oiland taxes and insurance and a million and one other things. and what happens? you're not the free and happy guy you used to be. you gotta have money to pay for all those thingsso you go after what the other feller's got i don't know how you're gonna stand it around here till after christmas. i know why you're hangin' aroundyou're stuck on a girlthat's all a guy needs is to get hooked up with a woman. when a guy has a woman on his handsthe first thing he knows his life is balled up with a lot more thingsfurniture and the elevators are still runnin'. look out, long john! they're closing in on you! how're you doin'? holy smoke! a half a heelot! that's what i'd like to know! now you're talking! gangway, you heelots! i knew you'd wake up sooner or later! boy, am i glad we got out of that mess. yeah, she's a heelot just like the rest of them. it's lucky you got away from her. tear down all the fences. why, if you tore one picket off of your neighbor's fence he'd sue you! jitterbugs. four bits. yeh. er, yeh, with hash-brown potatoes and tomatoes andand apple pie and ice cream and coffee glad he took the "t" out of that. join the john doe club. oh-oh. who? you need glasses, buddy. yeah, but his name's willoughby. sure. they got you. well, i'm through. gangway, you heelots! elevators ain't running. you shouldn't have gotten out of bed, miss. no. he's watching the other door. long john!