you've got swell form. must have been a pretty good pitcher. nineteen! well, i was just thinking about this john doe business. why, as soon as it comes out it's all a fake, you'll be washed up in baseball, won't you? and another thing, what about all the kids in the country, the kids that idolize ball players? what are they gonna think about you? well, when you get up on the radio, all you have to do is say the whole thing's a frame-up. make you a hero sure as you're born! well, that's a cinch. i know somebody that'll give you five thousand dollars just to get up on the radio and tell the truth. yeah. five thousand dollars. and he gets it right away. you don't have to wait till christmas. feller runs the chronicle . it's on the level. have you got the speech i gave you? now, look. i'll give this money to the colonel just as soon as you get started. we'll have a car waiting at the side entrance for you. huh? oh, i just came in to wish him luck.