ththat's all right. if you didn't call me sourpuss, it wouldn't feel natural. old man delaney has been bringing his furniture over to my place at night, one piece at a time, and selling it. and then we started to find out about a lot of other people. well, sir, about a dozen families got together and gave grubbel a job watering their lawns. isn't that wonderful? and then we found jobs for six other people and they've all gone off relief! well, i'm sorry, mayor, but we voted that no politicians could join. yeah . . . no! goodbye mr. doe. how could he be a fake? a what? it makes no difference, bertthe ideas's still good. we don't have to give up our club. that man is gonna be on that roof. don't ask me how i know. i just know. and you know it as well as i do.