you don't remember me. you did explain, lenny. you told me. yeah. is that what your little note says? must be tough living life according to a few scraps of paper. mix up your laundry list and your grocery list, you'll be eating your underwear. i'm sorry. no. but the photo on his license looked familiar. i think he's been in the bar before yes. but even if you get your revenge, you won't remember it. you won't even know it's happened. tell me about her again. because you like to remember her. i want to see you enjoy yourself. don't just recite the words. close your eyes, remember her. i wrote an address in there, too. might be useful. it's this abandoned place outside of town. i guy i know used to use it for his bigger deals. it's isolated. i wasn't helping you for money. it's not your fault. see, you have this condition. they treating you alright? you know what we have in common? sleep okay? i gotta be someplace. if it's registered in this state it'll * just take seconds to pull up his license and registration. i'll call when i've spoken to him. i'm helping you because you helped me. lenny, before you go, can i have my shirt back please? guess i don't have to worry about him anymore. come inside. calm down. you're not into anything. it was my problem, you offered no help. it's got nothing to do with your investigation. leonard, you offered to help when you saw what this guy did to me. i came to you straight after he did it. i showed you what he'd done and asked for your help. yes. did you? kill him. this has nothing to do with you. you helped me out, and i'm grateful. you decided to help me. trust yourself. trust your own judgment. you can question everything, you can never know anything for sure. such as? your wife? relax a little, okay? take off your jacket. just relax. his name was jimmy. he went to meet somebody and didn't come back. a guy called teddy. they don't look too hard for guys like jimmy. maybe i can help you find him. i know a * lot of people. what does it look like?! who?! fuck, leonard! dodd! dodd beat the shit out of me. because of you, you fucking idiot! because i did what you told me! i did exactly what you told me. i went to * dodd and i said that i didn't have * jimmy's money, or any drugs, that this teddy must have taken everything. he didn't believe me. he said that if i don't get him the money tomorrow he's gonna kill me. then he started hitting me. what are you gonna do? and? he'll kill you, lenny. yeah? this guy's dangerous, let's think of something else. he'll probably find you. i told him about your car. he was beating the crap out of me! i had to tell him something! somebody's come. already. calls himself dodd. wants to know what happened to jimmy. and his money. he thinks i have it. he thinks i took it. no! you don't know, do you? you're blissfully ignorant, aren't you? i know about your fucking condition, leonard! i probably know more about it than you do! you don't have a fucking clue about anything else! what happened is that jimmy went to meet a guy called teddy. he took a lot of money with him and he didn't come back. jimmy's partners think i set him up. i don't know whether you know this teddy or how well - don't protect him. help me. get rid of dodd for me. kill him. i'll pay you. what then? love? what would you kill for? for your wife, right? not to me! i wasn't fucking married to her! i can talk about whoever the fuck i want! you won't even remember what i say! i can tell you that your wife was a fucking whore and we can still be friends! that's easy for you to say! you can't get scared, you don't remember how, you fucking idiot! maybe it is! how the fuck would you know?! you don't know a fucking thing! you can't get scared, can you get angry?! you pathetic piece of shit. i can say whatever the fuck i want and you won't have a clue, you fucking retard. i'm gonna use you, you stupid fuck. i'm telling you now because i'll enjoy it more if i know that you could stop me if you weren't a freak. about your whore of a wife? what does it look like? you can just crash out on the couch. you'll be comfortable. can i ask you something? why not? how did they explain what you remembered? the gun and stuff? you can stay here for a couple of days if it'll help. i've got to get back for the evening shift, so make yourself at home, watch t.v., whatever. just grab a blanket and pillow off the bed. i never need them all anyway. somebody's come. already. on the house. you really do have a problem. just like that cop said. what's the last thing you remember? leonard looks at her. sweet. what? let me get you a fresh glass. i think this one was dusty. what do you want? don't just waltz in here dressed like * that and order a beer. * what are you here for? well, that's me. you tell me. you're the memory guy? my boyfriend told me about you. jimmy grantz. know him? are you teddy? did teddy send you? what's happened to jimmy? you have no idea where you've just come from? what you've just done? so why did you come here?