that thing's been here for years. find anything? didn't think so, let's go, yeah? you don't have a clue, you freak. leonard, you don't have a clue what's going on. you don't even know my name. you read it off your fucking photo. you don't know me, you don't even know who you are. that's who you were, you don't know who you are. lemme take you down in the basement and show you what you've become. lenny! did you? i musta forgot. i'm teddy. * only every time i see ya! this is your car. just trying to have a little fun. roll your window up, will ya? i can get that fixed for you. what the hell you want to go there for? yeah, it's just this fucked-up building. * why are we going there? yup? lenny, is that you? lenny, it's teddy. look, stay there, okay? i'm gonna be right over. lenny! i thought you'd gone for good. what brings you back? you said you were leaving town. so i see. it's good to see you. my name's teddy. only every time i see ya! come on, i'll buy you lunch. not hungry? you don't have to remember to be hungry. yeah, yeah. i heard enough about him. tell me about john g. you still think he's here, right? the guy you're looking for, johnny g. that's why you haven't left. am i right? well, the other day you made it sound like you thought somebody might be trying to set you up. get you to kill the wrong guy. lenny, you can't trust a man's life to your little notes and pictures. because you're relying on them alone. you don't remember what you've discovered or how. your notes might be unreliable. you really want to find this guy? you're living. we'll find him. where are you staying? probably left it in your room. lenny! i thought you'd gone for good. what brings you back? finished playing with yourself, lenny? you called me. you wanted my help. you know, lenny, i've had more rewarding friendships than this one. although i do get to keep using the same jokes. no! should i? think so? you don't know? didn't you write it down? ask him. i'm not gonna help you kill this guy, if that's what - natalie? natalie who? i think i know her. he's got to have a car, right? we just take him back to his car and tell him to get the fuck out of town before we kill him. how'd ya get him in here in the first place? why would i have a gun? fucking hope not. we probably ought to take his car, you know, teach him a lesson. easy for you to say, you've got the jag. give me your keys. so was he scared? fuck you. we shoulda taken his car. you like it? let's trade. so what are you gonna do now? natalie who? you know what to do. you should lock a car as nice as this. teddy. your buddy. sammy. remember sammy. you told me about sammy. sense of humour went with the memory, huh? you know why you're still here, don't you? lenny, as a buddy, let me inform you. your business here is very much finished. you're still here because of natalie. whose house do you think you just walked out of? because she'll have taken one look at your clothes and your car and started thinking of ways to turn the situation to her advantage. she's already got you staying with her, for fuck's sake. she's involved with these drug dealers. she's gonna use you. to protect herself. guys who'll come after her. guys who'll want to know what happened to her boyfriend. they'll want to make somebody pay. maybe she'll try and make it you. she couldn't. she has no idea who i am. i'm trying to help you. i knew she'd get her claws into you. she doesn't know anything about your investigation, so when she offers to help you, it'll be for her own reasons. why would i lie? do not go back to her. take out a pen, write yourself a note, do not trust her. i won't be happy until you leave town. how long do you think you can hang around here before people start asking questions? the sort of questions you should be asking yourself. like how'd you get this car? that suit? from what? so in your grief you wandered into a jaguar dealership? that's who you were, lenny. you don't know who you are, who you've become since the incident. you're wandering around, playing detective. and you don't even know how long ago it was. i know, you investigated. maybe you need to apply some of your investigative skills to yourself. don't go back in there. there's a motel out of town. you should lock a car as nice as this. hi, lenny. it's alright, we know each other, right, lenny? the jaguar's out front. you didn't even bother to put it around back. gimme the keys, i'll move the car. lenny, i'll be back in a minute. i've got to get you some stuff. give us a minute, will ya? why? come on, leonard, we talked about this. it's not safe f or you to be walking around like this. because that cop's looking for you. we * need to get you a change of identity. some new clothes and a different car should do for now. put these on. * this bad cop. he checked you into the * discount inn. then he's been calling you * for days, sticking envelopes under your * door, telling you shit. * he knows you're no good on the phone, so * he calls you up to bullshit you. * sometimes you stop taking his calls, so * he slips something under your door to * frighten you into answering your phone * again. he's been pretending to help you. * feeding you a line of crap about john g. * being some local drug dealer. * 'cos he fucking told me. he thinks it's funny. he's laughing at you. i'm a snitch. he's a cop from out of town looking for information. the local boys put us in touch. jimmy's a drug dealer. this cop wanted to know all about how he sets up deals, shit like that. he's got some score in mind * and you're involved. come on, there's no * time to argue - if he knew i was helping * you he'd find a way to kill me. just get * these clothes on. you're gonna take my * car and get the fuck out of here. * lenny! just teddy. don't write gammell please. wouldn't be appropriate. * what's wrong? no. don't worry, i'm a cop. everything'll be okay. is he still breathing? so what were you doing here? well, i hope it's not as serious as his, 'cos this guy's dead. i think you've got the wrong idea - his name's james f. grantz, john g. check * your tattoos. * a load of amphetamine i told him i had. that, and your thing. * no! you get half. * you tell everyone about sammy. everyone who'll listen. "remember sammy jankis, remember sammy jankis". great story. gets better every time you tell it. so you lie to yourself to be happy. nothing wrong with that - we all do. who cares if there's a few little things you'd rather not remember? i dunno. your wife surviving the assault. her not believing about your condition. the doubt tearing her up inside, the insulin - like you've told yourself. over and over. conditioning yourself to believe. "learning through repetition" - sammy was a con man. a faker. you exposed him for what he was: a fraud. sammy didn't have a wife. are you sure? i guess i can only make you believe the things you want to be true, huh? like ol' * jimmy down there. what difference does it make whether he * was your guy or not? * why? you're never going to know. * no, you won't. you won't remember! i thought so too! i was sure you'd * remember. but you didn't. * you know, when we found your guy and * killed him. that's right, the real john g. over a * year ago. i helped you find him. he's * already dead. * i'm not. i was the cop assigned to your * wife's death. i believed you, i thought * you deserved the chance for revenge. i helped you find the other guy who was in your bathroom that night. the guy who cracked your skull and fucked your wife. * we found him and you killed him. * just some guy. does it even matter who? i stopped asking myself why a long time ago. no reason, no conspiracy; just bad fucking luck. a couple of junkies, too * strung out to realize that your wife didn't live alone. when you killed him, * i've never seen you so happy - i was convinced you'd remember. but it didn't stick, like nothing ever sticks. like this won't stick. fuck you; i gave you a reason to live and * you were more than happy to help. you lie * to yourself! you don't want the truth, * the truth is a fucking coward. so you * make up your own truth. * no. you took them out. * to set yourself a puzzle you won't ever solve. you know how many towns, how many * guys called james g? or john g? shit, leonard, i'm a john g. my mother calls me teddy. i'm john edward gammell. cheer up, there's a lot of john * g's for us to find. all you do is moan. * i'm the one that has to live with what * you've done. i'm the one that has to put * it all together. you just wander around * playing detective. you're living a dream, * kid. a dead wife to pine for and a sense * of purpose to your life. a romantic quest * which you wouldn't end even if i wasn't * in the picture. * quit it! * * you're not a killer, lenny. that's why * you're so good at it. * hey! hey, that's not your car! you can't just take it! you just killed the guy who owned it! somebody'll recognize it! 127: memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento pink revisions - 9. 7. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99 memento yellow revisions - 9. 29. 99 memento - green revisions 10. 4. 99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento - green revisions 10-4-99 memento yellow revisions - 9. 29. 99 memento blue revisions - 8. 27. 99