stop! nypd! grand central station off to your left, folks. dammit, man, you're making me sweat up my gear! yo, man, your luck just ran out. and when he gets here, i'll kick his ass too. what the. wassup? stop! what are you?! no, sir. he blinked once with one set, then again with another completely different set. after, sir. 'cause some of the other officers are a little soggy in the midsection. and they couldn't keep up, sir. what do you mean? i am half the man you are. my problem is you being all up in my damn face all the time. you need ten minutes on a stairmaster, you pudgy bastard. hey. wait a minute. wait a minute. oh, yeah, some night. who are you? yeah, sure. he said the world was coming to an end. you're kidding, right? absolutely. wait a minute. i got a ton of paperwork. so who you with? you got the plain clothes, the government-issued wheels. secret service? cia? yeah, well, whoever it is, you're short on funding. oh, yeah, my bad '86 ford ltd. that's a luxury ride. c'mon, who ya with? this is where we're going? jack jeebs? guy buys from chain snatchers. doesn't even sell guns. all right, you think it's worth shaking him up, fine. i'll do my thing. then i want some answers. way i hear it, jeebs, you into something a little hotter than some stolen rolexes. i'm talking about guns, jeebs. high-tech stuff. he'll do it, jeebs. i've seen him do it. talk to me, jeebs, he's crazy when he's like this. put down the gun and put your hands on the counter! drop the weapon! you are under arrest. you have the right to remain silent. uh, this. this is what i saw. yeah. i'll be by tomorrow for those rolexes. the eyelids, fine . and the jumping thing . and the gun . okay, but the head? see a head doesn't do that, it doesn't just grow back. what's going on? oh, no. this i'm gonna remember for a long, long time. huh? where am i? coffee. please. maybe, i'm not sure, see, i got this card -- why, uh -- i'm sorry, it's just no one really asked this, but -- why, exactly, are we doing this? i -- i don't know, sir. this guy. "best of the best of the best of the best of the --" it just struck me as -- humorous. sir. anyone, uh. any of you guys know what we're doing here? well, yeah, i know, but. hesitated, sir. she was the only one who actually seemed dangerous. at the time. hook-head guy. you explain to me how he can think with a hook for a head. answer; it's not his head. his head is that butt-ugly bean-bag thing over there. 'cause if you look at the snarling beast-guy, he's not snarling, he's sneezing -- he's got tissues in his hand. no threat there, and anyhow, the girl's books were way too advanced for an eight-year-old's. and besides, from where i'm looking, she was the only one who appeared to have a motive. and i don't appreciate your jumping down my throat about it. or, uh -- do i owe her an apology? you! hey, what's goin' on? you brought the aliens flowers? the 1964 world's fair was a coverup? i see. not to change the subject, but when was your last cat-scan? well, thanks for the very amusing morning, but i'm hopin' you'll show me where i came in? 'cause this is where i go out. cab drivers? why the big secret? people are smart, they can handle it. so what's the catch? nobody? hold up. you track me down, put me through those stupid-ass tests, now you're trying to talk me out of it. i don't get it. is it worth it? one thing you gotta know right now. all right. i'm in because there's some next-level shit going on around here, and i'm with that. before you beam me up, there are a couple of things we need to get straight. you chose me 'cause you recognize the skills. so as of now you can cease with all of that calling me "son" or "kid" or "sport." cool? what branch of the government do we report to? so who pays for all this? what's this? sorry! i gotta be honest about something. it makes perfect sense. when i was a third grader in philadelphia, they told me i was crazy 'cause i swore that our teacher was from, like, venus or something. uh -- forty regular. put what on?