-- the real-live twin towers on the actual fairgrounds in flushing meadows. a taxi screeches to a halt at the edge of a fence a hundred yards away. edgar shoves laurel out through the driver's door and follows behind her, still holding his weapon on her. over at the fence, the ltd comes to a looooong, skidding stop at the fairgrounds. kay raises the weapon he took from the trunk; looks over at jay. the shock waves wrinkle across the open space between them and the ship, then it hits the ship -- the saucer crashes through the unisphere, an enormous steel globe, and thuds to the earth, crashing through brush, dirt and rock. jay and kay hit the ground with loud grunts. jay knows what he has to do. he picks up a good-sized chunk of concrete dislodged by the crashing saucer and hurls it at the bug. the bug grabs the metal pole and yanks it out of jay's hands. he swings at jay -- jay dodges the blow and falls to the grass. the bug opens its jaws and snaps at jay -- who propels himself backward out of harm's way. kay flips the phone closed.