the stretcher with the corpse on it is wheeled down a corridor in police headquarters. rosenberg's cat, still on his chest, meows curiously as the stretcher approaches two doors with "city morgue" written across them. the words split in half as the stretcher bangs through the doors. on a counter in the morgue corridor, a gray, peeling hand bangs on a bell on a countertop, over and over. the hand belongs to edgar, who is carrying his shotgun, concealing it behind one leg. the morgue attendant, tony, emerges from a small security cage carrying a worn paperback copy of atlas shrugged and a fly swatter. in the corridor, jay looks around. no tony, no answer to the bell. he dings once more, then heads into the back. kay comes down the stairs and into the morgue corridor. he checks his watch, then leans against the counter and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. waiting. kay pulls out a box of matches and strikes one on the side. he raises it to his cigarette, but as it draws close, the match goes out with a sharp kay raises another lit match to his cigarette, but as this one gets close, a big glob of goo drops from the ceiling and onto the match, dousing the flame.