the city morgue is a crowded, brightly-lit, tiled place with corpses parked left and right. busy day in the apple. the cop wheeling the stretcher calls out to the coroner, who's hunched over another body. in the morgue, laurel is working at a desk when suddenly rosenberg's cat leaps up onto it from nowhere, the way cats do, landing right in the middle of the file she's studying. laurel slams into a wall on one side of the morgue, thrown there by edgar. he leans in, close, furious. jay comes into the morgue. laurel is in there, standing right up next to an examination table, but there is no corpse on the table, just a sheet draped over it. she just stands there, in the middle of the room, staring at jay. jay is thoroughly enjoying himself, but laurel seems to be going crazy. laurel is at the end of her rope. kay races into the morgue just as the examination table explodes into the air, revealing edgar, who was hiding beneath it.