laurel weaver. deputy medical examiner. i believe you. i opened him up. find me at the morgue. on 26th. i'll tell you what i found. you have really pretty eyes. yes. that's right. look where? by the wall, i guess. what's with the cat? what's the problem with the cat? are you having a bad day, baby? cheer up. his is worse. okey-dokey. shall we? oh, my god. approximately 112 degrees at time of autopsy, indicating, quite impossibly, a post-mortem increase in body temperature. examiner attempted to verify result rectally, only to find subject was, uh, without rectum. which can only be described as. well. as really. yeah, well whoever you are, i'm afraid i'm going to need to see some id. you boys must not have much of a home life. i'd say so -- triple homicide. the first corpse was perfectly normal, except that he was broken in half, but when i opened up the other two -- well, look. there's a skeletal structure at work here unlike anything i've ever seen. this way, doctor. this one's even stranger. i did a full laparotomy. i started with the lesser curvature of the stomach -- though, if you want, we could begin at the gastro-esophageal junction. all right. guess it is now. came in with the bodies. okay. dive right in. god knows he won't mind. you have very pretty eyes. hey, just walking the dog. feel that? where the piloric junction would be? now push that aside. notice anything strange? stomach? liver? lungs? doctor, they're all missing. have we met before? i have the strangest feeling of deja vu. okay. you wanna know what i really think? but don't tell that guy. he looks like he's already under enough stress. this body is not really a body, but it's actually some sort of transport unit for something else altogether. the question is: what? by the way, stop me if i'm freaking you out. you know what i like to do sometimes? when it's really late? dr. white. dr. white. dr. white. dr. white! look at this. far -- freaking -- out. war? "doctor whatever"? you're not with the department of public health, are you? i was right -- this is an alien life form, and you're from some government agency who wants to keep it under wraps. this make total sense. how else do you explain new york? the other night i'm in a cab, this guy. uh, hi, whoever you guys are, i'm afraid i'm going to need to see some id if you're going to be in the morgue, okay? boy, when you want attention -- "orion." that's a pretty name. what's this? wow. i told you, i don't know, it ran under some equipment! over there. hello. yes. that's right. i don't know where the cat is at the moment. no. maybe you could take me with you instead. i said, maybe you could take me with you instead. i'd really like to go with you. now. i just do. i have something i need to show you. you don't understand. you really need to see this. look, stud, i don't know how many more times i'm going to get to tell you this. there's something -- -- that you have to help me with. christ, are you thick! what did i have to do, sing it for you!?! oh, that's so typical. any time a woman shows the slightest hint of sexual independence, men just -- how is it okay?! what??? what?! why?! come on, let me go, you don't want to eat me. i'm a very important person on my planet. like a queen. a goddess, even. there are those who worship me, yes. i'm not trying to impress you with this, i'm just letting you know. it could start a war. you're a wonderful dad. interesting job you guys got. hey, guys, we're nowhere near my apartment. we're not even on the right island.