this is the home learning course we're putting out, which is very popular. then there's the seminars. when i'm not teaching i spend a lotta time, right here, remote viewing. the kitchen table. that is correct. that's where my body is. but my mind. that's, you know. he gestures to the horizon. wandering. roaming. yeah. lately i've been watching the loch ness monster in scotland, england - which it turns out is the ghost of a dinosaur. that's an exclusive for you. it started when i was a kid. i used to lie on my bed and rv my cousin, irene, undressing at night. then, when i was in the army i joined bill django's unit. he trained me and the rest, as they say. i can't really talk about bill. we were psychic spies mainly. that was our initial tasking but. once they realized what they were sitting on, the forces at work. he stops, his face darkening. we were trained to kill animals. with our minds. that is correct. just by staring at them. one of our unit stopped the heart of a goat. the power they unlocked in us. last week i killed my hamster. you wanna see? you ever seen a hamster do that before? look at the way it's glaring at its wheel. usually that hamster loves its wheel. good. then they'll know how rare that is. yeah, he's down. at this point i'd been staring at him for about three hours. the other hamster falls over. no, the other one's just fallen over. they watch in silence. then the hamsters get up and start eating. (switching off the this was nothing. you should have seen the skipper at work. lyn cassady. after bill he was the most psi-gifted guy i ever met. he was like an occultic force. i think he runs a dance studio now.