congratulations scotty. i'm sorry it doesn't work out for you two. scotty's face falls. the other jedis glare at larry. one of them makes a move towards him but lyn holds him back. this is larry's spirit guide, maud. i'm looking into the cupboard now and i'm seeing. i'm seeing. a tin mug? lieutenant colonel django used funds from the project's black budget to procure prostitutes. the officials listening register shock and dismay. bill stands up, outraged. and also drugs for himself and his men. bill jumps to his feet again. it's some scientific research i've done for possible offensive psi applications sir. i did show the report to lieutenant colonel django, but he didn't seem interested. holtz snorts angrily. i think i know one sir. holtz ponders the report, tempted. well sir. there is goat lab? oh good. bob and lyn turn to find larry hooper standing in the doorway behind them. the gang's all here. lyn stares at larry - shocked. this is primarily a psyops base. oh, that's an iraqi psyops leaflet they dropped on us. yeah, hadn't exactly done their homework there. lyn is staring at bill who is looking a little vacantly at the racks of cd's. larry notices. how'd you find us, lyn? i said primarily psyops. this is a restricted area, you understand? everything you hear and see stays secret or you go to prison. bob nods a little nervously. there are individuals in the current administration who are looking for. creative solutions for the war on terror. they're far more open minded then their predecessors, and they've out-sourced experimental research to my company. he indicates the psic name badge he's wearing. it's pronounced psi-ike. psychic systems international corp. turns out certain people had heard about the new earth army and were interested in some of the work we were doing back then. they got in touch with me, i got in touch with bill. bill's been looking into subliminal messaging. this is one we've designed to play to our own troops before combat. he puts the disc in a player and presses play. we hear a burst of a period song. this is"don't get drunk before firing heavy machine guns." we've got all sort of products in development. tell them one of our new ideas. air bag mine. non-lethal mine, catapults the fucker up into air. gimme another one. excellent. attack bees. the forces of nature! another. we're not doing that anymore! idiot! he turns back to lyn. the point is we've got a budget, we've got supporters. i'm rebuilding the new earth army. only this time without the hippy crap. bill stands up and starts walking a little unsteadily towards the door. you okay bill? you get the odd flash of what he used to be but. he's pretty burnt out with the booze. larry shakes his head in apparent sorrow. then he notices some candy on a desk. ooo, twizzlers. he picks it up and starts to eat it. you want one? lyn shakes his head, trying not to show the emotions he is feeling. god, i love these things. oh. didn't mean to wake you. the two men stare at each other. heard you weren't feeling well? how'd you find us? yeah, he did. we told scotty we were coming over here, asked him if he wanted some work. that's funny, because he told me he'd run into you and mentioned that there might be some jobs going with us over here. isn't that why you came, really, lyn? you want back in, don't you? lyn stares at him, disturbed, afraid this might be true. it can happen. you've only got to say the word. could be the new golden age for psi research. you, me and bill, back together again. just like the old days. larry closes his eyes, trying to remember something. mother earth, my life support system. as a soldier i must drink your blue water, live inside your red clay and eat your green skin. lyn listens, moved despite himself. i pray my boots will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your heartbeat. wow. i'm hungry. he wanders off.