then i say "there it is. the future!" bob and the iraqi man sit beside todd nixon - a suit. lyn sits behind in between two of the private security guards, who are nodding along to the music playing in the car. nixon, holding the laptop for bob to see, watches the screen, moved. we play this on these big screens at the conferences, you know? this trumpet music blasting out. every time i see it, it gets me. he glances over at the iraqi man who is holding a dressing to the cut on his forehead, pale and shaken. you a businessman, sir? the iraqi man nods. yeah, ali babas have been targeting locals lately. todd nixon, army small business office. ask me what business i'm in, muhammad. right now, i'm in the quality of life business. nixon nods, smiling, pleased with the line. we've got 25 million iraqis out here who wanna be independent, wanna make something of their lives. but more than anything else they wanna buy stuff. cell phones, digital cameras, leisure suits - you name it. if it sells in boston, then we can damn well sell it in baghdad! am i right muhammad? he knows what i'm talking about. we've got halliburton, parsons, perini. just in the primes. we're gonna have macdonalds, we're gonna have starbucks. no corporate tax. it's a gold-rush. oh, and by the way, fuck the french! did you hear that shit? chirac wants to bring french contractors in? can you believe that? hey, phil? raise one hand if you like the french. i was pretty down for a while about not getting any trigger time in this war bob, but you know what i've learnt? our greatest weapon against evil is commerce. when these people have quality consumer items they will no longer want to kill americans. he turns to gaze at the town they are now driving into. we're not gonna rest until there's a satellite dish on every one of he did fill her up last time gary. (muttering to trying to help you fucking savages. mahmud, bob and lyn are lying flat on the seats.